Giants fan Bryan Stow

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I'm sure you've all read about in the papers or saw it on the news about Giants Fan Bryan Stow. He was beaten in to a coma by 2 thugs at Dodgers stadium. Bryan's an old friend of mine. I went to Jr High with him and we see each other once a year in Las Vegas at the AVN convention.

We hung out last January in Vegas, he won $1000 in the Casino the last night I saw him. Today I visited him in the hospital. It was HEAVY!! I've never seen anyone like this!

He looked so peaceful. he seemed very relaxed and was breathing heavy as if in a deep sleep.I held his hand and just talked hopping some how some way I could reach him. His face twitched a few times. At one point with help from the nurse he opened one eye. Not sure if he could recognize me.

I could see where the doctors removed part of the top of the left side of his skull to relieve swelling on the brain. there's a big dip there on that side of his head and stitches. Plus all the wires taped to his head and tubes and stuff coming out of his body. Just makes me even madder at the scum bags that did this to him!

Anyone seen the mug shot of that one suspect they caught? he looks just like the police sketch! It's uncanny!

A lot of people don't know he's also a rocker! He used to have long hair before he became a paramedic. His favorite band is Queensryche and he has their logo tattooed on his arm. He has quite a few tattoos.

No one knows when and if he'll ever come out of this or if he'll ever recover and be the same again. I plan on visiting him some more in the future I just as most of the world does hope he comes out of this and is well again! :(
Makes me sad. You never know how quickly life can change for yourself or those around you, regardless of reason. Never give up hope and miracles just may happen. You are a great friend to those in your circle, Danny. Keep it up.
...I held his hand and just talked hopping some how some way I could reach him. His face twitched a few times. At one point with help from the nurse he opened one eye. Not sure if he could recognize me...
Hey Danny, I think he does know you're there and the twitching is him struggling to show you a sign that he knows. Years ago I visited my dad in the hospital and the same thing happened. Although my dad wasn't in a coma, he was on muscle relaxing medication, but once he was awake he told me he heard everything and was trying so hard to move to let me know he could hear me. I didn't try the eye thing so I don't know about that, but I'm guessing he can. Did the pupil dilate? Keep visiting him and let him know!
Bryan is continuing to improve although I hear it will be a long road. His Cousin John is a friend I talk with every few weeks.
I met Bryan a few years back, he would routinely visit local tracks and watch us ride as he got such enjoyment out of that. He always said "I cant do that, so I at least want to watch somone who can"!
This whole thing has been so tragic and stupid to say the least!! But if anyone can pull thru this it's Bryan.

I will try and keep you guys updated, until then

I visited him again today. Looks a lot better than last time. No massive wires & tubes coming out. He's back in ICU and I had to wear a protective gown & gloves.He's been opening both eyes and mouthing words. Today when I saw him he was pretty medicated up. Twitched a few times when I was talking to him. I heard I just missed Black Eyed peas singer Fergie who came to visit him. Then again I could care less but that was cool she did. Queensryche sent him a signed photo.
They're going to find those assholes and they are going to hang em' high. I hope Bryan can recover from this atrocity, and may the Giants continue to whip the Dodgers asses.
I visited him again today. Looks a lot better than last time. No massive wires & tubes coming out. He's back in ICU and I had to wear a protective gown & gloves.He's been opening both eyes and mouthing words. Today when I saw him he was pretty medicated up. Twitched a few times when I was talking to him. I heard I just missed Black Eyed peas singer Fergie who came to visit him. Then again I could care less but that was cool she did. Queensryche sent him a signed photo.

Good to hear that. He's hearing you Danny, keep talking to him. That twitching is him desperately trying to let you know he hears you.

That's cool that famous people he doesn't even know are stopping by and sending stuff.

Last I heard is the police caught the two suspects that beat him and they are awaiting a court hearing.
We're taking Bryan's favorite band Queensryche to meet him at the hospital today! He's improving everyday. he can actually speak a few words & respond but he's very slow. I got him to say the F word last week & now he's been saying it a lot! But that's him going back to his old self! What a moment this is going to be today!
It was a beautiful moment! the band was so cool! they hooked him up! They brought him a signed poster,t-shirt,copy of their new CD,& a signed bottle Geoff Tate's wine! Bryan was alert & awake & really digging the band being there & they were all touched by this. At the show that night on the encore, Geoff talked about the experience the crowd cheered at the mention of Bryan's name & even bigger cheer to hear he was a QR fan & they dedicated a song he requested "Jet City Woman". He's improving everyday!
The thing about Danny, is the guy gets the job done! I'm sure his was a huge pull in getting Queensryche there. The guy is on it!

On a serious note, this guy should get acupuncture 2 times a day everyday. I trained in this hospital in China once where stroke victims lived there and got it 2 times a day. A similar technique could be used on him. I know some good docs in the bay area that you can contact if you're into it. I'd do it if he was in LA. Just go up to the hospital bed ad throw some needles in him to awaken his brain. I would do it as soon as you can, because the longer you wait, the less effective. It's totally totally safe and will have no side effects.

You can call Dr. Stephanie He. Here's her website:

She remembers me. I used to live in her hometown in Tianjin. You can tell her I sent you. She knows this stroke rehabilitation technique called Xing Nao Kai Qiao that I think would go great on him. I know he didn't have a stroke, but I think a similar treatment would work. If she can't do it, she can try and find you someone who does. Her English is pretty good.

Good luck!
SF General has one of the best head trauma care centers in the country. that's why he was transported from LA (Think about it. he hasn't seen his home in 6 months now!)

He's also seeing speech & physical therapists daily. He's getting the best care possible. So I don't think the family will go for acupuncture.Yes it was me that coordinated the whole thing with Queensryche. I didn't do it to get recognition for myself. I did it for Bryan. That's the reward for me if I can help make a dream come true & make someone happy that's all that matters. Now all we need is for Bryan to be well again.