Giants fan Bryan Stow

Ok Danny. I understand. But nothing is as good as acupuncture for reviving traumatic neurological conditions. There is only so much "healing" conventional medicine can do. At least it can help him feel much better and take away symptoms if not assist in the cure.

Just thought I'd help!

I wish him the very best in recovery!

Get well soon Bryan!
Good to know, Jeremy. I've heard good things about acupuncture, too. However, my only experience was when the band was in Japan and I had terrible laryngitis, so the tour promoter suggested acupuncture and a B12 (I think? All I remember is that when you were injected with it you then felt a strong taste of garlic in your mouth--weird!) shot. Well, first I was surprised that the needles weren't painless (but not bad, either). And I didn't really notice an improvement as a result but perhaps I would have been a lot worse without it. Plus, it was only a one-time treatment and not ongoing.
Kirsten does anything work just doing it once? Do you take one pill and then are surprised you are not better? Why would acupuncture be any different? Anyway, it's something that I think could really quicken Bryan's recovery big time so I suggested it.
I wouldn't necessarily expect one session to have an effect, but then that's how it was offered as something that would help (as a one-time treatment). I was open-minded towards it so I tried it. I'm still open-minded toward acupuncture.

And, yes, there are some pills that do offer near-immediate relief, such as pain relievers, anti-nausea medication, etc.
Those drugs you mentioned don't cure anything. They just manipulate chemicals for temporary relief.

The point was I was looking out for Bryan who I thought could greatly improve by a treatment method, that has an affinity to neurological problems. I gave info of someone who is an expert with this. I understand if you want to argue with me about The Trooper or something, but it doesn't do Bryan any good in this situation.
I appreciate this Acujer but I don't feel comfortbale telling the family that somone I know on the internet suggested an accupuncturist. Bryan is getting top notch professional care costing about $50 Million!! Thye're doing everythingthey can for him. I visited him again on Saturday. I'll run it past them but I'm sure they won't be interested.
DUDE, where do you get off thinking I was arguing with you??! WTF. I shared my experience, while still acknowledging I thought acupuncture could be a good alternative. You're the one that's acting defensive. Seriously. And please don't tell me that I can apparently only have an informed opinion about The Trooper. How condescending. Please. You've got to be fucking kidding. Do I sound like I'm pissed? Yeah, that's because I AM.
My God! All I was doing was trying to help the poor guy. I didn't mean you can only have an informed opinion about The Trooper. You should know me well enough by now that I have deep respect for you, Kirsten. I just meant I don't care if you argue with me about anything, anything at all, or have a difference of opinion with anything. I used The Trooper as an example to be funny. It's just that I felt that we could get into different tangents about your experience in Japan and if its painful or not, etc., but it isn't productive because while we debate about acupuncture, a guy can use some help. That is all I meant. I love you to death! I just wanted to stay focused on Bryan, because I felt there was some urgency here. That was all I meant. I thought that what you were saying, was taking away from the focus of getting him better. That's all I meant. I wasn't trying to sell anything or be defensive. Just didn't want to turn Danny off from talking to his family about doing acupuncture for him, because I believe he could benefi

t from it. Sorry if I can't get my meanings across properly. Sometimes I can't express myself the way I like. I guess I shouldn't have said anything.

Danny, thanks. I am not just a guy on the internet. I gave you someone's info and she is not just some lady on the internet. She is a DR, acupuncturist and professor. But people spend millions of dollars on cancer treatments and many people still die. You can't just blindly follow doctors sometimes. Acupuncture is a great treatment for neurological rehabilitation, whether or not MDs in America recognize it.

That's all. I just was trying to help the poor guy because I feel really bad for him and hope he gets better very quickly. In an ideal world I'd love to see someone visit him everyday and give him acupuncture as part of his protocol, but I guess, that realistically isn't going to happen.

All that matters is he gets better. I wish him the best.

Cheers everyone!

No more hostility.
Okay I hope you 2 have resolved the issue & don't argue on this thread!

I passed the info to Bryan's sis. She just got back to me and said they have really good news they are going to announce tomorrow and she said she'd check out the website you gave me. They have an office based in Santa Cruz where the family lives so that helps.

The thing is is, he has blood clots on his brain & they're doing methods to thin the blood to make the clots go away.
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Bottom line, yes, I agree that acupuncture seems like a form a treatment that could benefit Bryan. And, given your professional experience in this realm, it means your recommendation comes from a credible source.

It's all good.

I really appreciate that. That is all I really wanted. Was for you to relay the message. Clots in the brain are quite serious. I hope he's ok.

Just to add. Since you told me the family lives in Santa Cruz, in Santa Cruz not only Stephanie He is good, but Dr Zhu is a scalp acupuncture, neurological specialist. I think he works out of Santa Cruz sometimes. He used to work in Santa Cruz. I guess they will have to call and ask.
On his website for his San Jose clinic:
"We are the first acupuncture clinic in the world specializing in neurological conditions. We treat disorders ranging from stroke, spinal cord injury, brain injuries and diseases, cerebral palsy, autism, multiple sclerosis, seizures, neuropathy, migraine headaches, and many other acute and chronic diseases."

San Jose number: (408) 885-1288

Keep us updated!
This past weekend I traveled down To the Reahb place Bryan is staying at. he's improved a lot. he was in an automatic wheel chair and he lit up when he saw me and said "Hey Man!" he articulates but he it takes him a while to respond and speaks in one to 5 word sentences.

He's pretty handy at operating his wheel chair functions by himself but still has to be hand fed. He might go home in March but needs full time care.

We hung out for about an hour and a half and he thanked me for coming by and shook my hand. It was amazing he was able to do that considering what he was like in the hospital for all those months!

We can only hop he keeps improving!
Wow, he really has come so far, and yet still faces such an uphill battle... But sounds like he has a very strong will to overcome. So glad to know he's improved significantly. Thanks for the update.
Good to hear theres some improvement.

Its kinda hard to comprehend for a brit when you start talking about medical costs. Over here there are costs but we dont have to have private health insurance to cover it.

$50million is a lot of money, but its not just the cost of the treatment, its the expertise of the staff delivering it, and your friend sounds like he is in the right place.

I've learned how resilient the human body is, my baby son had more surgery just before Christmas, Arterial repair in his chest. I've seen 10 week old babies have heart transplants and recover in days.....the human body is an amazing thing.

Sadly I fear that your friend wont ever regain his old self again. But he IS the same person inside. And it must be awesome for him to have friends like you.