Giants fan Bryan Stow

Man tonight I'm really emotional for the first time over this mess! Bryan got transferred to another facility earlier this month that's way too far for me to travel to & visit. It's a 4 hour drive for his family. They threw a surprise b-day party for him last month (They all thought I had been invited but no one called me or I would've gone) the next day he had no memory of the party :(

At the new facility his counselor was asking him simple things like who the president was. He said "Obama" then the next day he said "Walker Bush" to the same question.

So this Saturday is the one year anniversary of that beating at Dodger stadium. I read a news article one of his sisters posted FB tonight What really set me off was looking at the photos. The one pic of his family at their first press conference and the look of anguish on all their faces & his oldest sister Erin crying just killed me! Even though I've know Bryan for many years & even went to Jr High with him I never knew or met his family. But since through all my visits this past year I got to know them real well so now seeing how tore up they are in those early photos following the tragedy nearly made me break down. :cry: I called his oldest sister Erin just to tell her how I was feeling but only got her VM.

Sure it's sad all the way around but I've always been more angry at the bastards that did this to him than actually sad but tonight for the first time I'm truly sad over all of this!
Man, talk about holding back the tears. That's so cool to see the Giants organization do this for Bryan. Kudos to them for that. It's also good to see Bryan speaking and moving, definitely in the right direction. Thanks for the post Danny.
Here's a video the family posted covering Bryan's long journey. There's some brutal pix of when he was in the coma and had part of his skull removed. If you think these pix are bad, imagine my reaction the first time i saw him like that in person! At 2:37 of the video there's a pic I took of the Queensryche guys with him & my co-host of Reality Check TV, Ace. The Trial for the assholes that did this to him is coming in the future. I heard the main guy in the assault fired his attorney and is going to represent himself (Smart guy:lol: ) anyways check this out
I suppose that video was supposed to be uplifting but it only made me depressed and very fucking pissed off. Of course, it's good to see how far he's come but it also reflects how his life -- and his family's -- is irrevocably fucked up because of some fucking jacktard pathetic excuses for human beings.
Hey Danny, How is Ryan doing currently? Better motor skills, eating speaking? Is there a chance for him ever walk on his own? I'm very curious... His progress up to that Giants' video is quite remarkable. Let's hope for the ULTIMATE worst outcome to the scumbag bottom feeders fuckheads that caused this.