Gibson Les Paul EMG 81 vs. Gibson classic 57+

Simon Dorn

Jun 24, 2012

I changed the stock pickups to a set of EMG 81/60 chrome.
Here is the comparison:

I expected more of a difference...digging the gibsons more on this, honestly. Less twangy and a bit fuller, I think it fits your picking style a bit more.

edit: haha, well got it mixed up...seems I dig the 81 more (the one when the picture of the guitar comes in).
Having been subjected to the honky tightass cut of emg's in every metal mix for the last 10+ years, i'm liking this. Been digging passives a bit lately, especially the gibsons. Time and a place for all of em though isn't there. Maybe the EMG would be the winner for me with a bit of the honk cut. Thanks for taking the time :)
The 60 is a kickass neck pickup. I really like the EMG 81TW in the neck too. Really dislike the 85 in the neck, though, and I must admit I am not overly impressed with the JH neck pickup either.

I liked EMGs better in your comparison.
I like the classic 57 more , the 81 sounds really good but i like the way the guitars sits on the mix with the passives and i also dig the extra twangyness in the tone.