gimme a character.

wow, i really like those ideas! i think i can definately use them, thanks! hell, even if i can't make a monologue out of them, i'll probobly use them in something else!

Most welcome. Not quite the uh, charm, of masturbation and bison-level ejaculatory goodness, but figured they might help provoke thoughts. I've been working on a story of my own all day, so I'm in a creative mindset.
Most welcome. Not quite the uh, charm, of masturbation and bison-level ejaculatory goodness, but figured they might help provoke thoughts. I've been working on a story of my own all day, so I'm in a creative mindset.
can't really say the same. i'm without a laptop which means anything i want to write has to be handwritten, which sucks since i am pretty much incapable of starting a story without changing the beginning about 10 times before i like what i have, and doing basically the same thing for the rest of it, so it's basically just monologues and poems for class for now
Yeah, I inevitably have to do my big compositional work on the computer, but I always do the initial writings on paper. It usually helps focus my thoughts. My approach would drive most writers nuts, complete disorganization. I revise the way abstract expressionists paint, really, just changing this, switching that... drives even me nuts occasionally.