gimme gimme negura bunget

Yea, especially with a band like Negura, sometimes on the road you just have to take what you can fit in the van, or borrow what you can from another band and make due.
Erik said:
i don't know that there exist any video games released after 1996 or so

Truth be told, I have thoroughly enjoyed 0 game released after the SNES-era. Maybe it's just me.

Some soccer or hockey simulations are great fun to play with friends, but what's when you have none?

And I'm out of Morrowing already. Huge atmosphere and technical display but horridly repetitive gameplay with no real storyline. :yuk:
The Morrowind storyline gets pretty good at one point, believe it or not. But yeah, the game was designed to aimlessly wander. Surpising how long I enjoyed doing that really.

But yeah, on the whole I agree with Erik. I prefer good character development to strategic type gameplay.
Bomberman on TG16 > the rest

Why? Because it was FREE on the 3-in-1 CD game thing that came with the SuperCD memory card. So in actuality, a 4-in-1 thingy. And guess what code to get to it? up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-II-I-II-I-Run. That's right.
Well randomly looting caves and shit for shit items with no relation whatsoever to the game plot is nothing I care for. And I just went berserk when NPCs kept coming up to me in the streets with their annoying 4-phrases voacbulary, and every "dialogue" a rainforest of options where every fucking one of the 78430260672 characters tells you the exact.same.thing. Dude, one more week of this treatment and I would have gone nuts. People who play this a 10 hours a day must have barbwire instead of nerves, or they are already ghosts.