Give me PlayStation 2 games.

Hmmm...sounds completely different from the DW game I've heard about...sounds very cool as well! It's out already I assume? I'll have to nose around about that.

Pity that this has only come up mate was gonna go his history coursework on the Three Kingdoms period, I got a hunch that forum might've been useful. Ah well, too late now....

(fucking hope I got good marks for mine! :o )
Ayeka said:
Hmmm...sounds completely different from the DW game I've heard about...sounds very cool as well! It's out already I assume? I'll have to nose around about that.

Pity that this has only come up mate was gonna go his history coursework on the Three Kingdoms period, I got a hunch that forum might've been useful. Ah well, too late now....

(fucking hope I got good marks for mine! :o )

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms series I don't think is as widely distributed as Dynasty Warriors (despite the fact they are from the same company) so you might have trouble finding a copy (or even hearing about it) overseas in europe. Unless you have an EB or something they are even hard to find in America, but well worth it. If I recall correctly, Europe supposedly doesn't have a large enough market to distribute the game so you would have to buy from a U.S. website or something probably. The latest is IX and was just released a couple months ago and should be at any Gamestop or EB or whatever though for those Americans.

About the forum, If anyone ever wants or needs to know something about Asian History, that's the place to go. A bunch of people very intelligent and helpful there so feel free to ask questions if you ever need to.

EDIT: This thread talks a little about the RTK series in Europe. It seems version number 8 was just released there a year after its American release. I don't think it's quite the game number 9 is, but if its available, then its probably worth a try although there are some more "RPG" as in character building elements in it, more than just pure strategy.
megaman anniversary edition comes out this month i think. all the old megaman games with redone music (hopefully just revamped versions of the original songs). so theres some retro side-scrollin shit for ya.
Opeth17 said:
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms series I don't think is as widely distributed as Dynasty Warriors (despite the fact they are from the same company)............
Ye gods! Sounds so hectic! Ok, I've digested all that and I'll get onto it when I've got some handy time :) cheers!
Ayeka said:
Ye gods! Sounds so hectic! Ok, I've digested all that and I'll get onto it when I've got some handy time :) cheers!

:lol: Probably went a little overboard with all the info, but as you can see, I'm a fanatical follower of everything related to the Three Kingdoms trying to spread the word. :loco:
Also, the Grand Theft Auto series is a must-own. ALL OF THEM. Don't just wait for the new one, as each game stands on its own merit.

But it's worth saying that X-Box owns PS2 in so many ways its not even funny.
Thoughts on games I have now:

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence.
Definitely cool, the switch to 3D works here because it still plays like a side scroller instead of first person crap. Music is great when spooky, but then some techno shit is thrown in on occasion that is über-gay. Not as good as Symphony of the Night but I didn't expect it to be.

Gran Turismo 3
This is pretty kickass, the cars even kinda handle realistically. Every 5 years or so I need one really good driving simulation, this might be the last one I'll ever need.

This one is currently backordered, but I've played it before and it rules. Hopefully the story will be as good as Xenogears, and from what I've seen the battle system looks better.

Final Fantasy X
Holy cowballs this shit RULES. Main dude Tidus is a bit annoying, but the gameplay, story, music, and graphics are absolutely top notch. I hated FFVII, ignored FF8 (cars? Fuck you!), and skipped FFIX because I heard the story was absolute nil, but I'm glad someone told me to get this. I'll most likely get X-2 and then XII when it comes out. XI looks good, but online gaming doesn't appeal to me in the least and I guess that's the only way to play it.

Mega Man Collection comes out tomorrow and Target has GTA: Vice City on sale for $16 this week, so those two will probably be my next and final purchases, for awhile at least.
Heh, was about to ask that. :tickled:

I'm trying to find the status of the backorder (my friend ordered it for me), when I do I'll let you know, thanks.