Those of you that included a rough mp3 mix, I have slapped the guitars in (Raw, no HP/LP, eq etc...) and they are here:
Yours has a little different "flavour" than the others, lower Gain, etc...
I wasn't sure on what Lead panning you preferred. I did Lead1 Centre, Lead2 70 Left and Lead3 70 Right. Rhythm tracks were recorded on the Lead Channel. Lead tracks were recorded on the Rhythm Channel.
All the WAV's are being uploaded now for all of you (another 1-2 hours to go
) in the "Latest Reamps" folder here:
I have only used the 6505 for these ones, sorry no Krank. I had a little less time today than I thought.
Sorry my Dropbox wouldn't let me upload multiple files and I wasn't going to sit here and do them individually, the selfish bastard that I am.
Some observations (not criticism, dont have a cow):
Cryo114, your DI's are a bit noisy, particularly the Lead ones. You will have to edit out the background noise in the "stop" parts between riffs.
-J-, your DI's are a bit noisy also and does that guitar have a trem? I can hear what sounds like spring noise at the "stops". Maybe put some foam in the spring cavity.
Keregioz, I did both versions for you. The first sounded more natural, although boomier.
Moonlapse, what DI were those DI's tracked with? They are super low. Not noisy at all, but super low level.