Glam/Hair metal in Australia

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Anybody know of any glam/hair metal bands in Australia at the moment? I've seen flyers for one, but that's all.

There doesn't seem to be any really now since the days of Candy Harlots, Roxus and the like.

Also I think there should be some glam metal nights at clubs every now and then in Melbourne :)
I actually do believe it or not! I mean the Motley Crue avatar, the Ratt "Status" line thing under my nick, the Vinnie Vincent Invasion quote in my signature, they kind of gave away my secret I think. I should be more careful hehe. ;)
There's one in Melbourne called The Redresser but I have no idea what they are like. I've just seen flyers in Metal Mayhem, the singer has big blonde hair and its says "GLAM ROCK!" really big on it haha.
There ain't anything really left that would fit into the genre we love.There are all the old members of bands who in their aging years are doing rock orientated stuff.But alas no glam as such really in Sydney we have Nobody's Fool(covers and a couple of originals) one other I can't remember the name of. Apart from that nothing I really no off.
There was a glam band in Perth last year that opened for Black Steel... they were called Firefox. They wore tight leather pants, had big hair and even had their own homemade pyro on stage.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry ;)