Global Peace Index

No it cant. If ANYTHING it will affect the environment so that it in the end affects the humans, if a rise of 3 degrees killed us then i guess going into a sauna is suicide.

There might be manmade pollution that endangers the environment (CFC i believe, feks), but i dont believe this causes the majority of the temperature rise, if any at all. CO2 and feks car pollution is bullshit, why do they have to cut the grass next to the highways then? If anything its infact greener and grows better there. Nuclear waste and the likes pose a bigger threat, and we know how to deal with those anyways.

There are many many things that can contribute to rise and fall of temperature that dont necessarily involve humanity. One is the galactical arms (the ones you see on "pictures of the milky way(more rather lookalikes) ). it takes about 167 000 years to get us around the galaxy (im not sure about this number, i read it in a book, but imo that sounds pretty fucking fast). And whenever we pass through one of those arms, temperature drops by several degrees, its a cycle thats old and known, im betting it takes alot of time to get out of them, hence one theory might be that we're just going out of one of such arms.

Im not saying global warming like the asshats in television proclaims cannot exist, but im just saying i find it very unlikely, and i think there are other causes that are more plausible as explanation to the recent rise/fluctuations in temperature
yeah i agree, ( ie. Ice Age) its pretty normal that change. but can you prove what is going on today is earth's fault? or human fault? man's fault or not, its a threat

Ozone layer absorbs 97-99% of the sun's high frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on Earth.

i think its easy to say "blame man", "blame earth" the fact is, something must be done
yeah i agree, ( ie. Ice Age) its pretty normal that change. but can you prove what is going on today is earth's fault? or human fault? man's fault or not, its a threat

Ozone layer absorbs 97-99% of the sun's high frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on Earth.

i think its easy to say "blame man", "blame earth" the fact is, something must be done

Blame both. Then yeah do something about it. Even though finding out who or what to blame is almost a waste of time.:kickass:
Blame both. Then yeah do something about it. Even though finding out who or what to blame is almost a waste of time.:kickass:

exatly, people are more busy pointing fingers than actually trying to find a solution.

ie³ i don't know it was already done, but scientists were working on a artificial ozone gas, to "heal" back at least one part of it... i read that info about 10 years ago
fuck that, we will die this or another way any way so no point to be bothered about it. i just hope that the big disasters wont happen dooring my life time.
well, i dunno about you Alex, but would be nice if my son have a nice life :lol:
well, i dunno about you Alex, but would be nice if my son have a nice life :lol:
the theory is nice though practically it doesn't work, when you are dead you don't give a damn about it nor can
i give a damm about my son, who else would spread hate and intolerance? =/
^^What if you had a daughter? Oh i know, you'd rape her. :p

that is not good you are still alive when you will be dead then its granted

Hmm, maybe.. but i seriously hate kids, i even doubt having any kids of my own in the future :erk: