Gloria Jean's Coffee

Maybe you can get seriously into brewing coffee and make a "those little pleasures in life...thread number 2" and have stuff in there like "the sound of coffee beans grinding in my coffee grinder, etc.

Hahahaha, we shall see - and that's "Life's simple pleasures" to you :D

I swear I am half OCD or something...I could have kept on filling that thread up with many ridiculous things that I find theraputic and stuff like that.
psh, of course there is.
get the fuck on msn bish, we need to talk about inane shite. like TGCD stoned and such things
I'm with Jeff on this. I've recently pulled out my French Press again and has been perfecting the brewing, and I must say, I doubt I will ever go back to a coffee machine again.
Get some good coffee beans
Coarse grind
Water temp to around 200
Set for one minute and stir
Put on top and sit for about four minutes more
And drink some fine brew.
The only downside is it makes me want coffee more.
I love you right now.

Man, I am tempted to go down to the Gloria Jeans 1 minute down the road from me and hit a massive coffee right now. :lol:

You sir! You better be having one of those voltage coffees with about 10gazillon shots...

I'd kill for one right now. Yes I could make it... but where's the fun, fuck hard labour.... I want someone else to pick my coffee beans and grind em down...

for maximum win:)
ps nothing should go into your coffee but beans and water

cream/sugar/sprinkles/flavour shots :puke: you're pretty much drinking a caffeinated dessert!
Dylan really does win at steak. I never used to enjoy steak until he cooked me up a blackened cajun sumbish that gave me an epic foodgasm.

Oh and one time he made me these kick ass steak sandwiches, best steak sandwiches ever.

He's way better than my last wife.
im working my way down from
coffee, water, milk, 2 sugars
coffee, water, 2 sugars
and im going to try and move to
I love the smell of coffee but I hate the taste of it.

I'm like a little kid, the only hot drinks I enjoy are hot chocolate and hot milo.
im going to assume hot milo is a euphemism for semen.

because i have no idea what that shit is
my mind works in mysterious ways
that shit looks a bit strange

i used to dig the nestlé powdered milkshakes but anything that comes in powder form worries me nowadays
Wait, what the fuck, why would you want a mouthful of powder with each sip? :yuk:

It dissolves. That particular glass of milo has just not been stirred properly. But it's good as an explanatory shot because it shows milo in both states. :lol:

It's not like Nesquik and stuff like that is nasty as fuck until it gets into milk. It's awesome straight out of the can.