T The Man Franks and beans! Feb 4, 2002 416 4 18 48 Gautier, MS bigfatcatharsis.150m.com Apr 24, 2005 #1 may be an old thing, but if anyone wants a Gmail invite i have a bunch. shoot me an email at bigfatcatharsis@gmail.com
may be an old thing, but if anyone wants a Gmail invite i have a bunch. shoot me an email at bigfatcatharsis@gmail.com
Jono Hail Satan! Feb 2, 2002 2,426 17 38 44 apartment 667, neighbor of the beast. hailsatan.net Apr 25, 2005 #2 yeah if he runs out i've got some too jono.major@gmail.com -Jono-
MyHatred Chief Ten Beers Jun 25, 2004 3,761 7 38 In the Pabst Brewery Apr 25, 2005 #3 OKay call me stupid but what the hell is Gmail?
T The Man Franks and beans! Feb 4, 2002 416 4 18 48 Gautier, MS bigfatcatharsis.150m.com Apr 25, 2005 #5 it's web based email just like yahoo or hotmail, but it's from google. to sign up you have to be invited by someone who's already a member. and the storage for you box is 2 gigs.
it's web based email just like yahoo or hotmail, but it's from google. to sign up you have to be invited by someone who's already a member. and the storage for you box is 2 gigs.
Riehlthing It's "The Amish" To You Feb 6, 2002 5,644 52 48 45 State of Beavers home.rmci.net Apr 27, 2005 #6 I have 50 invites on one, and I have another email account too. shoot me an email if you need one also, amishruss@gmail.com
I have 50 invites on one, and I have another email account too. shoot me an email if you need one also, amishruss@gmail.com