
I'm kind of right there with you. I mean, I already have an email account that suits my needs just fine. I can't imagine ever needing to google my own inbox.
I guess maybe when I am finally out of school and lose my student email account I might look into it. But I just don't know/like/keep in touch with enough people to really make it that big a deal.
I'm ususally the king of change avoidance, especially when it means having to "export" contact lists and such, and letting everyone know about the change of address. Too many hassles. So trust me, if I made the leap it's cause it was worth it.
I was all "why would I want to change" too at first, but was quickly impressed into submission.
nostalgics maybe...
Beyond the storage space and threaded conversations though, it just looks and feels damn cool. I guess the main reason I jumped on-board is simply because I'd been waiting for a good reason to dump hotmail, which had been increasingly pissing me off lately.
But if you're entirely satisfied with your present mail service I can understand why it's not an interesting prospect.
i compulsively delete every email people send me within a day figuring they probably dont want their stuff saved on my computer.
also: threaded emails = who cares?