it has come to my attention


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
that there are rumors going round about Kayo Dot saying that this will be our first and apparently last album as Kayo Dot and that after the album is done Toby is going solo.

well this is definitely untrue.

i feel kind of honored that people will actually think we are worth spreading rumors about but all I ask is that if anyone hears a rumor such as this that hasn't been specifically spoken by any of our members, that they e-mail us at to get the truth from the band itself and not "some guy" or "a friend of a friend."

or you can always im me at Baliset on AOL instant messenger.
i saw my friend, the guy who is a moderator on the doom metal forums, yesterday, and he's all like "yo i heard da maudlin of deh swell got'sa all... toe... up?"

he's not really italian though...actually when asked he comes out with the garbage-typical "scottish/UK/irish/german mix WITH MORE THAN A TOUCH OF NATIVE AMERICAN", which is the hokiest bullshit, in my opinion, and i corrected him without even once mentioning the words "gayo" or "mayo".

but you see Mr. Massi, there are forces out there working for you, too.
goatschool said:
but you see Mr. Massi, there are forces out there working for you, too.
