Kayo Dot/Toby Driver info, woooooooooooo

Indieworkshop.com is on the case!

> Kayo Dot parts ways with drummer
03.31.2005 / 06:27

The drummer for Boston's Kayo Dot, Sam Gutterman, has left the band for unknown reasons. The remaining members, led by Toby Driver, are currently seeking a replacement. Check out the band's website for info on how to contact Toby.


In news of the less pressing variety, the next Kayo Dot album will be released on Robotic Empire. The band will begin recording sometime in August will a projected release date set for sometime in December.

In related news, Toby Driver will release his debut solo album later this year on Kayo Dot's current label, John Zorn's Tzadik. Driver currently has four tracks completed for the album which may eventually feature as many as six when it is finished.

IW: Kayo Dot: Choirs of the Eye
Yeah I knew about Sam leaving 2 weeks ago, courtesy myspace.com :loco:

Hooray for another Kayo Dot album! Hooray for Toby Driver solo album! Hooray for boobies!

from Robotic Empire:


Kayo Dot: the newest and maybe the most epic band to join Robotic Empire's roster. It is an absolute privilege to be working with this eight-piece beast of a band as their debut album Choirs of the Eye is quite possibly one of the most creative and unique heavy releases in existence, aptly with its release on John Zorn's prolific Tzadik label. Robotic Empire is extremely proud and excited to welcome them to the label and absolutely cannot wait for the fall release of their to-be-titled sophomore album. Almost impossible to justly put into words, Kayo Dot is both difficult to call a metal band and difficult to not call a metal band, blending a wide array of haunting atmospheric elements with ultimately unreal and massive climaxes. Not quite in the soft-loud-soft way that many powerful bands operate (Godspeed, Mogwai, etc.) but more akin to classical compositions. Regardless, it's absolutely enthralling music and we are excited for you to hear this incredible band. We will have the Choirs of the Eye CD in our Online Store soon, but until then you can download the first song here.