Kayo Dot NEEDS your HELP!!!


Nov 9, 2001
Hey Everyone,

As you probably know, Kayo Dot is planning a 7 week US tour for this fall and we're asking for your kind help to make it happen!

Crunching the numbers recently we realized that we are in a bit of a rock and a hard place financially, especially with the scarily skyrocketing cost of gas... so we came up with the idea of asking you to possibly help us out with some of the finances. Now we're aware that there are a lot of needs out there in the world today, from the recent news in New Orleans in our country, to all other kinds of suffering across the globe. We don't mean to take attention from that in the slightest. And we know this is the life we choose to live as musicians.

What we are offering to you, is that you can Paypal us one dollar, or two dollars, or whatever you feel like giving. In return, we will give you a free pin, or a discount for that amount on a t-shirt, or the new album, or what have you. Just make sure to leave your information. In other words, it's like a pre-order of sorts. And we promise that we'll hit you back on tour when we see you or when we send out your order.

So.... if you're into this idea and would like to transfer some funds, the paypal email is shirts@kayodot.net or you can just click here.

Thank you so much!! :(

- Kayo Dot
do you have new shirts? are they printed on the same fabric as the last ones? those are total dog hair magnets and I can only wear mine when I'm away from home.
Holy shit? Lizard's a female?! Woah dude. Woah.

I'll have some money sent your way, it just might have to be in money order form, but it still spends.
I'll send some too but I doubt my Australian dollars will get you far. No seriously, get in touch with me about it because it may have to be via non Paypal methods since I dont have plastic.
avi, the new shirts are going to be 50-50 i think.
Really, you guys are awesome. Thanks so so so much. Right now it costs us $150 to travel about 400 miles so we really are facing a big problem just as far as gas is concerned. I know a lot of bands right now are actually having to cancel their tours because a buck increase a gallon really makes a huge difference.
I would be easy enough to culture giant farms of methanogens (bacteria that generate methane) and harvest it from there, its more delivery as its a gas that's lighter than air.
there's $10 dudes and dudette! well uhhh, $10.30 i guess, don't know how that happened.

i'd totally dig on a pin if you could send one my way.