Absolution in their heads for a god they never had. Execution as contract, slaughtering people they never met.
"Haven't heard this before, actually sounds pretty promising after the first listen. It has an unsettling claustrophobic, paranoid vibe." ~ @Somethingface
2nd) Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem AeternumbyDeathspell Omega
The idea of Salvation comes, I believe, from the one whom suffering breaks apart. He who masters it, on the contrary, needs to be broken, to proceed on the path towards the rupture.
The evolution of dwellerINTHEdark's opinion on this album:
"It's decent but not on the same level as SMRC."
"I think that Odinist and The Mystical Beast of Rebellion are underrated. I'd listen to those over Fas or Paracletus any day."
"I'm gonna reexamine Deathspell Omega's Fas and Paracletus tonight. I know I'm missing something here..."
"Wait a minute I like Fas now."
"I think Fas... is my favorite Deathspell Omega release. Love that dissonant chaos! I think it's also the one I liked the least when I first heard it."
"Kenose isn't my favorite either but after a bunch of listens Fas is da shit."
They build us this monument, everlasting, an ancient heritage of dark creation. Being born of hatred and disgust, an ancient lore of death!
"This is one of those albums that you really have to reserve for certain occasions in order to preserve its brilliance. It works as an album even better than some of the classics of the early 90s. Every song flawlessly flows into the next." ~ @Manic Ferocity
"Chalice of Ages obviously takes direct influence from the Swedish and Finnish scenes, and they make no attempt to hide this. The difference between Deathevokation and a lot of newer bands playing in the vein of the old school is that Deathevokation (the same can be said for Necros Christos, among others) don't just seem to be a band paying tribute to the greats of the early 90s. Evidently it's their preferred style of Death Metal, but they're certainly a band with their own vision and a greater purpose. They incorporate a lot of originality and maintain an utterly fresh, unique sound. One cannot listen to a few Myspace samples to grasp the sheer power behind this album. If you dislike it, it's your loss and I pity you (Not really, fuck off)." ~ @Slayed Necros
"I honestly find Deathevokation completely uninteresting musically. I don't see what the hype is about at all. If I'm going to listen to some "paying homage" death metal I'd much rather listen to Ignivomous." ~ @Satanstoenail