GMD Secret Santa 2015!


Active Member
Dec 10, 2005
Saint Louis
So I've seen this work pretty well on other forums and I figured it would be fun to try it here. I don't think it's ever been done before. I remember a long ass time ago we did some kind of CD sharing thing, but I figure we've got enough active people in here to make it pretty fun.

So basically if you're interested, reply in the thread and send me your shipping info. As soon as we get a decent list going I'll send you your match. Probably should keep the gifts between 15-25 bucks.
The CD sharing thing was where we all made mixes for an assigned person and sent it to them via snail mail. I had @Matt and he sent me some killer stuff and introduced me to Threshold.
I'd do it if we had more peeps. Interests vary widely around here so kind of difficult to buy a gift for random forumer X though. Maybe try starting this sooner like November next year?
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Yeah, I'd take part if I wasn't so strapped. These days even 15-25 is a big dent in my wallet, haha.

Sorry man. But I do hope this takes off!
Just swapping playlists might be cool. Free, and everyone gets to keep their addresses to themselves.
Maybe even just swapping pleasantries might be enough seeing as though people's tastes here vary that wildly that some people wouldn't listen to them anyway. I'm pretty certain that 98% of people here don't purchase physical albums anyway and either just download or stream.
I remember doing a music exchange in digital format in the past. I was asked to give a non-metal playlist in exchange for metal.