Musical Exchange

You can open gp5 files in gp6 but not the other way around. But upgrade, it's worth it.

It's like there's a file on everyone's computer that's shared.

How old are you? I thought you were a teenager, but I guess that's mostly because ending every sentence in lol makes you sound 12.

Odd, I was thinking the same of you. I guess that's because trying to play arm chair psychologist at 20 years old over the internet makes you seem 12.

If I have to ignore you until the project gets going I'll have no issue doing so.

@Vimana, for a certain song, just getting an idea which way you'd like to go.
Let's not fight before we're even (if we even are going to be) a virtual band.

Anyways, I could do a song with a slow intro. What genre(s) were you thinking?