Chronological Experiments in Audiology - A Good Idea?


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2005
I'm thinking about starting a project (dare I call it... a BLOG?!) where every new update would be a short, experimental mini-song. I'm talking like a 30 second forray into the world of experimental audio, each one trying out a new style or innovative concept. Some would be very musical and song-like while others I would imagine being very bizarre and well, experimental.

Essentially, this would be like releasing a free "album" of 30 second to 1 minute songs, song by song, week by week. The installments would be released under a Creative Commons Lisence and geared towards being spread virally throught the internet. It would be set up so it could be easily syndicated on other websites, possibly podcasts.

Does this sound like an idea people would be interested in? Has this been done already?
it sounds like "web 2.0" bullshit that noone cares about

each time i hear one of "creative commons", "blog", "syndication", "podcasts" etc my bullshit-o-meter goes into the red and i think you just broke it by using all in the same post

so basically why don't you write proper songs and release a god damn demo tape like everyone else, noone wants to listen to 30 seconds of pointless noise once a week
Why don't you visit my website and download my full-length album for free, or sign up for the newsletter for my upcomming album before you go around throwing wildly unbased accusations at me about not writing "proper songs".

You remind me of some kind of conservative fundamentalist: "The future is bad!" "things must stay as they have always been in order for me to cope with them!" "everyone who uses neologisms that have officially worked their way into the average person's lexicon are stupid conformist sheep!"
I think that's a very good idea. It'd probably be slow to begin with, but it sounds like something that would catch on in time. If it could hold my attention, I'd check it out frequently.