Great names for new bands

Mega life
light tranquillity
cousins of bodom
shadows jump
cradle of goodies
new testament
Draznog said:
the bleeding vaginas

LOL!!!! this is a name of one of our shitty local bands... hahaha:lol:

i was always partial to one name bands (SLAYER, MetallicA, PANTERA, ETC.)

Viagra (or if u wanna be punk, THE VIAGRAS)
the shitty beatles (GOTTA LOVE WAYNES WORLD!!!)

these aren't very good names... i suck at life...
you know, I have neeevveerrr ever seen a band with a click in their name, click as in african bushman click, not the word click....
go find some cool african word with a click in it, and you got a new band name :kickass:
Narg n Lamb said:
you know, I have neeevveerrr ever seen a band with a click in their name, click as in african bushman click, not the word click....
go find some cool african word with a click in it, and you got a new band name :kickass:

Yeah, or a glottal stop. what about a combination between glottal stops and clicks? or some flaps. something like this:

(i hope, this forum supprts IPA chars) :D:zombie: :zombie: :zombie:
Delirium Son
Shadow Conformity
Rise of Thunder
The Altered
Stray Souls

Just off the top of my head.