Stupid/Funny/Silly Names Of Metal Songs,Albums, Bands...

I hope Nocturnal Nemesis and Educated Opinion will deathmatch, personally.

The best song titles all belong to Anal Cunt.

The new Dimmu Borgir album named "Abrahadabra" is definitely a good contender here too.

It's a reference to Aleister Crowley from his Book of the Law.....

meaning I will create as I speak. :Smokedev:

LaVey Satanism is Darwinist Humanism with a pagan ritual element and an atheistic approach to metaphysics, while Crowley's version of Satanism was theosophical in nature, so I'm afraid you're incorrect.

So much differing confusing Satanism to go around, so little time. :rolleyes: So who does the cat and virgin sacrificing? :goggly:
LaVey Satanism is Darwinist Humanism with a pagan ritual element and an atheistic approach to metaphysics, while Crowley's version of Satanism was theosophical in nature, so I'm afraid you're incorrect.

I thought that Crowley actually was not a satanist but rather incorporated satanic imagery into his aesthetic.
Crowley mostly drew on pre-Christian stuff afaik, so I'd be very surprised if he used Satan as anything more than an image.
Nobody has mentioned Nile yet!

They make me giggle cos their song names are sooo long.

Chapter Of Obeisance Before Giving Breath To The Inert One In The Presence Of The Cresent Shaped Horns


Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water
