Urgent Steven Slate 3.0 help needed


Apr 29, 2008
Hey guys, I posted this on the SS forums but no reply and it's somewhat urgent, figured I'd see if anyone has run into this issue around here as well-

Cubase 4, SS 3.0 - I load up the kontakt vst-i and supposedly it's supposed to automatically create separate tracks for each drum but all I get is 1 stereo channel and only the kick comes out on it. I have been trying ALL day to somehow create the other channels or make them show up/active/whatever and I just cannot figure it out. It's probably something totally stupid, but I have been through the manual and the forums and I have tried everything there and nothing has worked.

I have a project I'm mixing that I need to use this on, so like I said, it's a bit urgent.
did you load the multitrack out kit, hit make default, and then hit OUTPUT and assign the channels to the proper cubase channels?
Hmm wow I do believe I was missing the "make default" step. I must be a grade-a retard.

I won't be able to test it till tomorrow but I am sure that will do it. Thanks Steven!
Had the same problem as u in Cubase. It doesn't automatically create the vst instrument channels if you did not activate all the outputs in Cubase's VST Instrument window (F11).

Load a Multitrack kit and click Yes for replace multi.
Had the same problem as u in Cubase. It doesn't automatically create the vst instrument channels if you did not activate all the outputs in Cubase's VST Instrument window (F11).

Load a Multitrack kit and click Yes for replace multi.

Im having the same problem....all my outputs are acitve too.