Well, even though they lost game one of the second round, it was an exciting game, to say the least. They really need to win tonight.
Things do not look to good for San Jose right now. They have to play one shift at a time now.

Sharks avoided elimination with a win last night. Time to bring it home to the Tank and kick the Stars ass!
I haven't been over to the other forum to see if our buddy Billy (Aredore) is posting about the Stars, but I'm sure he's just waiting for them to finish us off so he can. Come on Sharks!
Thanks for the 'we won!' call yesterday, Koelling..made my day!

Dammit!!!! Koelling finally got to play and I missed it? I gotta start Tivo'ing those games. :lol:

C'mon Sharks!!! I have a case of signed pucks just dying to be worth some money!! (No, not really)

They're still cheap on Ebay.


Ya slay me, Roosta :)

PS - When are you coming down to go to the Egyptian Museum? I'll call ya when we get home & we can figure it out!
I haven't been over to the other forum to see if our buddy Billy (Aredore) is posting about the Stars, but I'm sure he's just waiting for them to finish us off so he can. Come on Sharks!

Oh yeah Steve, aredore is out in full force. :)
They say that the average life expectancy for a man is 65 years....for a woman it's 72....for a Sharks fan it's 40. Heart failure is still the leading cause of death. I don't know if I can last through another Sharks playoff game.
From the minute the Stars won that first game they gained homefield advantage - but most people still believed the Sharks would win. After the Stars won the next two games, things looked grim for the Sharks. But now they are in the same position they were when down one game to nothing. One little win tonight in Dallas and the Sharks have the home advantage for the first time since the start of the series. I refuse to believe that, after this long season, tonight will be the last game for San Jose and we won't see them on the ice again until next year. Come on Sharkeys!