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Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I loved their music and now I'm also glad to see their attitude on this goddamn unnecessary war on Iraq!!!!

Go to the main page and see for yourself!

NP: Fates Warning - Awaken the Guardian
Why are we talking about this situation in the Swanö forum? Exactly how many political songs has Dan written in the past, oh, 10 years? Are we really lacking in places to talk about this?

At the very most there should be one topic here for the discussion and that's it because it's got nothing to do with Swanö's music and all it's doing is getting people pissed with each other and I'm officially sick of seeing these topics take over almost every single musical discussion forum I go to. Pain of Salvation or Napalm Death forums, I can understand, because those bands are very politically motivated.

But here? We need to give it a rest.
Haha, face it, the American government consists of blood thirsty fucks killing innocent people!

I appreciate POS for the balls to speak their mind, even if it's gonna cost them a few lousy fans. Obviously they can live without their support.

I did not see the other 'political' thread, and POS is about MUSIC and Dan is a MUSICIAN and also I didn't ready anywhere on the FAQ that we should talk strictly about Dan and his music on this site!

Whatever. I applaud POS for being open-minded and caring. If you support America dropping bombs on Iraq more power to you!

Just don't get mad cause people ALL around the world acknowledge that Bush is blood thirsty fuck!

NP: Marillion - Brave
Sure no innocents have died? You seem to believe all you hear on your beloved CNN - what an idiot!

Free Iraq? Haha! Thanks for the laugh. Capture Iraq and use their oil and have more power in the Middle East would be a better fit.

Free Iraq? That's a fucked up comment comming from Bush Jr, the blood thirsty asshole of your government!
Mezarkabul said:
Sure no innocents have died? You seem to believe all you hear on your beloved CNN - what an idiot!

Free Iraq? Haha! Thanks for the laugh. Capture Iraq and use their oil and have more power in the Middle East would be a better fit.

Free Iraq? That's a fucked up comment comming from Bush Jr, the blood thirsty asshole of your government!

Geez, give it up already.
Give it up already? I'm just voicing my opinion. The American government proved how stupid it is with this unnecessary act.

To think no civilians are going to die just shows how ignorant you are to believe all the crap you see on CNN. What if Iraq dropped over 1,000 tomahawks on Washington city in less than an hour? Do you honestly think no one innocent would die? Lighten up. America gives no shit about freeing Iraq, all they care about is more money and more power. That's why they're in Iraq anyway. They did nothing in Yugoslavia during the war that lasted over 10 years!!! Why didn't they go and free them as well? I'll tell you why, cause there was no source out there for the greedy American government to stick their long nose into. If there's money involved, the American government will be the first to attack. That's the truth. And they could never provide any truth that Iraq had any relations with the 9/11 thing - yet still attacked them. Blasphemy!

Also, if you don't want me to reply, maybe you should stop responding to me first and just let me have my opinion!

Just like WW2, 50 years later humanity will be talking about this disgrace in history books. People will see and find out what America did in Iraq.

Saddam should go. But not like this. War will never resolve anything, especially putting others' lives into danger.

How the fuck would you feel if bombs were dropped on your head constantly? Think for a minute, that you're a civilian living in Baghdad and airplanes are dropping bombs all over you! That is what's being done right now! And you say it's ignorance! More power to you. Just know that 90% of the world population knows that America is making the biggest mistake in its history!

NP: Marillion - Brave
Mezarkabul said:
Haha, face it, the American government consists of blood thirsty fucks killing innocent people!

That's it, I've had it.

1- I hope the police start using flamethrowers at war protest rallies as a means of crowd control.

2- I hope that the next building bombed is the UN building.

3- I hope millions of Iraqi children die and I hope our soldier create military banners sewn out of the skin of dead Iraqi babies.

4- After the war is over, I will no longer use water to bathe with. I will instead bathe with the incredibly inexpensive Iraqi oil that we will then have. I will smile thinking of how many innocent Iraqis had to painfully die for me to be able to do this.

Any questions?
No questions. I already knew it. Thanks for making this informative post and letting others know as well. :)

Just don't be so touchy when someone mentions the wrong-doings of your silly government.
Jim LotFP said:
That's it, I've had it.

1- I hope the police start using flamethrowers at war protest rallies as a means of crowd control.

2- I hope that the next building bombed is the UN building.

3- I hope millions of Iraqi children die and I hope our soldier create military banners sewn out of the skin of dead Iraqi babies.

4- After the war is over, I will no longer use water to bathe with. I will instead bathe with the incredibly inexpensive Iraqi oil that we will then have. I will smile thinking of how many innocent Iraqis had to painfully die for me to be able to do this.

Any questions?

Heh, that was Michael Savage-esque
inflamer said:
... its coming through the mail this week ... i'm anxious to hear it (i'm about 1 month late aint i ?)
It's been out a few months...

It's my favorite of theirs by far. It seems to be the most well-rounded of their releases. Both 'Eternal' and 'Forever and Ever' give me the goosebumps in parts... you'll love it!