
Really now?

That's interesting. Last two autistic people I meant were certainly in no condition to post on a message board.

Well, more power to ya, man. :kickass:
there are different degrees of this impairment.. In very special cases the afflicted person may even be incredibly gifted in some areas-a great writer or musician.
there are different degrees of this impairment.. In very special cases the afflicted person may even be incredibly gifted in some areas-a great writer or musician.

Or mathmatics. I've heard that some of the great mathmaticians were autistic.
I hate Goatwhore. More shame to Black metal. Cradle of Filth's teeny-bopper fans have brought enough shame to he genre, but this...... This comment from another forum pretty much sums up my feelings for Goatwhore.

This is the most pathetic excuse for a "black metal" band. Goatwhore is pure offal. Such a terrible afterthought attempt to make black metal. You can almost hear, "Hey! Let us play, too!" by some post Soilent Green hacks who don't have any understanding of the spirit of black metal. They want to try to play the music game without entering into the spiritual void of black metal. "Invert the Virgin," my ass. Terrible music, terrible lyrics, awful gimmick, and absolutely no spirit. This band belongs on SUFFERING JESUS Records with all the other waste.

The worst part is that every other good show I want to see has Goatwhore tacked onto it. Immolation, Nachtmystium, Nile. God. They actually played right before 1349. How do people manage to not only choke down this tripe but also to think it's good enough to promote? If I have to sit through this crap again, I just might cut my own throat.

Nine thumbs down for this travesty.

There you have it.
I'm a big fan, got all their albums, seeing them for a second time in a few weeks etc. Wouldn't really consider them a black metal band, not purely anyway, more of an evolution of the Hellhammer/Celtic Frost 80s extreme metal sound. The pure volume of solid riffs is enough to keep you interested; they go through more on Funeral Dirge For The Rotting Sun than some bands go through in a career. They play them twice and then toss them as if they have an endless supply, and perhaps they do. I enjoy the stream of consciousness style lyrics as well, basic blaspheming fantasies yet they have a strong ability to weave lines together in a way that makes it feel as though a coherent narrative lies just beyond your grasp. I'll take them over 1349's stagnant offerings most days.
Fuck the "tr00" black metal crowd criticizing Goatwhore In fact, make that fuck with a rusty knife designated for the nearest orifice. We all know this is just another band that really plays "blackened death", and isn't trying to be anything else; que Naglfar, Belphegor, etc...

I enjoy Goatwhore, but haven't heard enough of them to go out and buy a CD. I unfortunately missed them at SOTU, and wished they hadn't been playing there anyways. They should be supporting Dark Funeral and Naglfar this fall instead...
Fuck them with the blade of the lord of death, headed for the holiest of priests to violate him and send him to the depths of the flaming abyss"

Much better.

Theres a trademark on brutality these days? I don't know, everyones trying to be brutal, not just the DM guys are swinging it around anymore. I want a little brutality in my diet too.

Uh... wait, what?
Goatwhore = shit

One of the worst BM bands I ever heard in my entire life. Also, they are evil! That makes them suck even more because God made them suck more. I hope next God makes them die already. i'll pray that tonight in fact.
Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. [44] But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;