
goatwhore is awesome, just learned how to play alchemy of the black sun cult on my guitar today. i got into them mostly because finding out it was a band sammy made after acid bath and im a huge acid bath fan.

also bluejay = cock sucker
Goatwhore = shit

One of the worst BM bands I ever heard in my entire life. Also, they are evil! That makes them suck even more because God made them suck more. I hope next God makes them die already. i'll pray that tonight in fact.

I had to read this post five times before I could believe it...

This reminds me of the part in Devil's Rejects when Otis. Driftwood takes two hostages outside and asks god to strike him down or something, and then kills both of them in a fit of hysteria because nothing happens. :kickass:
I think he's joking.

Anyway, Goatwhore are solid for sure. More blackened death than black, as someone already mentioned
I wasn't, except for the prayer part cause I just did it now instead of last night cause I forgot

Goatwhore's too mainstream sounding also.

How could you pray for someone to die? Are you fucking retarded?

How old are you?

Edit: Also, it doesn't matter how mainstream sounding they are, they aren't pure Black Metal. They take influences from Death Metal, Black Metal, Sludge, and the old school Black Metal bands like Venom and Celtic Frost. Bathory probably was big influence as well.
How could you pray for someone to die? Are you fucking retarded?

How old are you?

Edit: Also, it doesn't matter how mainstream sounding they are, they aren't pure Black Metal. They take influences from Death Metal, Black Metal, Sludge, and the old school Black Metal bands like Venom and Celtic Frost. Bathory probably was big influence as well.

I ment die like disband.

I'm 18

Well regardless of what you said, I still don't understand them. For me, their mainstream sound makes me not get into them as if they were like Dimmu Borgir.

Nothing says mainstream like satanism and pentagrams.

Both are actually quite underground.