

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
School me please. I'm still in love with Sculptured's cover of Suspiria, should I just buy that soundtrack?
Ominous Luminous said:
The original is just as good as Scultured's version though.
:guh: "just as good"??!!

Goblin are cult heroes of the Italian horror underworld (see Fulci and Argento flicks, etc). It is classic 70's/80's retro-warped synthy proggy soundtrack music.

NAD - have you seen the movie, Suspiria? Or any other films with a Goblin soundtrack? (They did the European version of the original Dawn of the Dead). [Ugh, how sad that we now have to refer Romero's DotD as the 'original' version].


Anyway, Goblin may be better suited to background music in movies, but I'm not sure. I don't own Goblin CDs, just the corresponding DVDs. However, if you do track anything down, I would love a copy. :cool:
They have some collection type CDs for under $10, I'll probably get one of those. No I haven't seen Suspiria but I'm going to rent it soon enough.