God Among Insects new album


baptized in blood
Feb 8, 2005
Washington, USA
Not sure if anyone follows this band or has been looking at their website, but they have a new song they put up in December from their upcoming album Zombienomicon. I think it sounds horrible, Lord K is an awesome guitarist/musician as show by the Project Hate, but this band is kind of plain and boring. On top of that, what the hell happened to Masse's voice? The vocals on this song are like 5x worse than the first GAI album and I don't even hear that weird vocal effect being used. He has lost it since he left Hypocrisy after Osculum Obscenum.

I am still going to give this album a try in hopes that Dan's magic touch will make it sound decent!


If this song has been discussed before, sorry!
Yeah I agree they sound like good musicians but that just isn't my style of Death Metal the gore obsessed Cannibal Corpse stuff isn't my thing
Yeah, Masse's vocals have really deteriorated over the years. Have you heard the new Dark Funeral album? His vocals are total crap on it! He can't even do the shrieking anymore (which I did like on World Wide Death). Lord K should take up Rogga's offer to do vocals for GAI.

Otherwise, though, they're a pretty good band. I like some of the riffs (mostly Purified in Carnage), I like the drumming, so the vocals are really holding them back.
I think it's more of a thing they would feel bad if they kicked Masse out as they are all friends. I just miss his old vocals a lot.
I hear a difference in the vocals on a few of the tracks on the new Dark Funeral. I just figured he was trying something different, as I haven't listened to the GAI samples yet. The vocals sound consistently harsh on some tracks, while on others the voice is coming apart (example: the last song when he says "there is no turning back now). Otherwise, my personal opinion is that the new Dark Funeral disc kicks ass. I can't stop listening to it!

"Sexual sin is every man's right" :rock:
Are you even hearing the vocals, Bastard? The vocals are garbage. The music is okay, but they need a new vocalist since Masse has lost it.
Ok, so a friend of mine who works in a metal internet magazine got a promo copy of Zombienomicon and let me borrow it for 2 days.

The album kicks ass and the production is awesome but the vocals are horrible...I would prefer Lord K to sing on this and Rogga would be an excelent choice too.
Funny but I liked Masse's vocals on the Dark Funeral albums.

I liked especially "Marching into war", it has that part when you hear battle sounds in the backround
Tumn said:
Are you even hearing the vocals, Bastard? The vocals are garbage. The music is okay, but they need a new vocalist since Masse has lost it.

Oh yeah... I think that the vocalist of The Project Hate would fit better than Masse... but the sound of the guitar is awesome... really brutal and quite original.

Metal88 said:
Ohhh!! Tumn just called you a BASTARD! It's normally all nice-nice on the Swanö forum!

:lol: Oh No, he call me Mr. Bastard... that's my name :lol: