Dan on the new Hail of Bullets album

Jun 27, 2006
The Hague, Holland
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I couldn'd find it.

I got the debut album of the new band Hail of Bullets today, and to my surpise I noticed Dan does some additional growls on the song Ordered Eastwards. Aparently he did some mixing and mastering on the album as well.

Fans of a more old school DM sound should really check this out, it also features Martin van Drunen on vocals (ex Pestilence).
I've listened through it a couple of times but i didn't know that Dan did those guest vocals.

The band plays some really cool death metal which i definitely recommend, sounds awesome.

Some tracks are available at their MySpace, unfortunately the one featuring Dan is not there.
Just visited their myspace page and checked some tunes. The "Stalin" track is amazing. I particularly like the parts when they slow things down and build these big, sludgy passages.

Ed Warby is a drum god by the way.
Holy fucking shit!!!

I just heard Dan's growls... so fucking godly!!! While van Drunen sounds great, the part Dan enters the piece fucking pounded me into the ground.

Ed Warby should give a copy of the CD to Arjen Lucassen and Arjen should fucking call Dan and have him sing AND growl like a motherfucker!!!
I bought the new album a few weeks ago and it's very impressive. Old School Death Metal is on the rise again.
I am a huge fan of OSDM and this sounds like it will be a great addition to my CD collection............................:headbang:
I swear the part Dan enters "Ordered Eastward" is easily the greatest thing I've heard all year. I'm specifically talking about 2:36 through 2:40. That scream is fucking godly!!!!!!! And the guitar theme is fantastic as well.

Thanks to Uninvited Guest for the heads up. I've bought this disc thanks to his thread.