Dan on the new Hail of Bullets album

Love Ed's drumming, but not familiar with van Drunen, so gonna take me some time to get use to his style, but I like this disc so far. His vocals are definately different than the screaming/growling I usually listen to, but I still prefer Dan's style much more.
After debating for a bit, I decided I liked this cd and went and bought it.

Does anybody else think the sound of this cd is sort of like what an old EOS album might sound like with modern production (and a different singer, obviously...)? There certainly are a lot of similarities...
How did it happen that you got involved on this record Dan? Did Van Drunen call you or you him or something? You always manage to get into the right projects:)
Dan Swanö;7427110 said:
That´s funny because it 100% the real snare. No samples on any drums. Ed is picky with that stuff!!

Really? That jerk never told me that. Did you do anything to his cymbals etc? I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with Mr. Warby...
Decided to give this CD a try after all the praise on the web and damn were they right! Sounds excellent. I love the drum & guitar sound. I didn't know Dan was involved on this one but during Ordered Eastward it immediately became clear who was the beast on the eastern front :D