God, Anthrax and .........


New Metal Member
Mar 23, 2006
I usually said other non heavy metal people when they asked me what music do you listen? I usually said them God, Anthrax and rock'n roll......
If you have some great words to say please wrote in order
God, Anthrax and .......(your words to tell).........
example God, Anthrax and saved :puke:queen
I think you want "tell" where you wrote "say". You tell somebody something, but say something TO somebody. And, "listen to" music.
Neither do I.

Strange thread this is.
Drokk said:
I couldn't resist. And I don't know what the hell he/she wants.

I am not an english teacher, but I am with Drokk on this one...

What I listen to? It isnt God, Anthrax and..., Its voices in my head, metal, and my wife!
"God is in his holy temple" is a line from poltergiest 2 said by the guy who looks alot like the guy on anthrax's among the living album cover and that is all i got to say about that.
and the new republic (may be ) wait that's warrior soul sec album..
god,drugs and the new republic..i think...it's been awhile since i last listen to that album...ahhh..whatever...