God Damn it Reaper


Oct 26, 2009
Okay, so I fucking love reaper.. I probably won't use anything else ever again.. But there are some MAJOR bugs in the system.

I have a project open (working on a full length)... I'm recording 11 songs in one project.. So what? I do it all the time..

For sommeeee reason, all of the sudden, reaper is taking FOREVER to playback/record.. It will just sit there for about 10 seconds then finally start.

This has never happened to me before.. I don't have a significiant amount of plugs running or anything, and the weird thing is that literally 10 minutes ago, it was working fine.. Then I closed reaper, opened it back up, and this happens.. Help?
I'm also a big fan of Reaper, but I had some problems before also.

When I opened a project I haven't had opened for a few weeks, some of the tracks were gone and the .wav files just disappeared.
Well, with 11 songs in one project, plus >24 tracks right?, plus at least 2 year old windows installation right? Do you scandisk / defrag once a week? Anyway, that's normal, I'd suggest recording on different projects
Check CPU usage for all tasks in that track (ie. when idle, when trying to playback/record etc). Is your interface sample rate at normal settings? Any issues with other items on the same HDD? Background defrag utilities running?
Have you got a lot of edits in there? Maybe consolidating the tracks would help if that's the case?
I also have this issue from time to time, as well as the .wav files mysteriously disappearing from the folders. The problems do seem to flare up if I have a bunch of tracks with plugins running, but it has also happened with like 8 tracks and only 2 plugs, so go figure.

I think next time I decide to record an entire album in one session, I'll cut each song out afterwards and put it in its own session and see if that helps anything.
If it were truly a bug, then everyone else would have the same issue. I would look elsewhere, like has already been mentioned.
First thing i would do is quit tracking all the songs for a album in one session. I used to do this in protools and would run into all kinds of problems. Now I do all my songs in separate sessions and its much smoother. Give it a try!
As for the disappearing .wav files one possible explanation is that you've "move all media into project directory" selected for the projects so if you use the same file in 2 sessions reaper will move it into the new directory and the old session won't have it anymore.
Not sure if your on Reaper 3 or version 4.
For some reason Version 4 uses up more CPU :/
Still the best DAW imo
Thanks for all of your input guys!

I spent the entire day bouncing tracks into individual projects.. Bummer, since I really like doing it all in one session, but whatever works, rigth?!

you do know that you can copy things from project to project right?

Also, an easier way is just to make 10 copies of the project file and go in to each one and delete everything except the song you want
That's exactly how I did it.. Just with tempo changes/reaper crashing/ect it took FOREVER..
I've just loaded 4 songs, 28mn of midi content + many CPU hog vsti, with a hundred of time change markers, so far no crash no pb nothing, and it's as smooth as if there were nothing in the session. I'll see if I have a similar problem when I'll have .wav and plugins all over the place.