god damn time zones


Sep 2, 2003
planet thanet.uk.
i'm going to bed now,and the rest of you are just starting to post.this happens every day.i'll have to get up tommorrow,when your all still in bed,and see your replies.see-if we'd won the war of independance,i'd get the government to force you all to work to greenwich mean time-damn you george 111!night night boys,have fun again without me! :D
baldyboy said:
i'm going to bed now,and the rest of you are just starting to post.this happens every day.i'll have to get up tommorrow,when your all still in bed,and see your replies.see-if we'd won the war of independance,i'd get the government to force you all to work to greenwich mean time-damn you george 111!night night boys,have fun again without me! :D

Don't get pissed, it's my bed time too. Been up for almost 30 hours. I work the night shift so my sleep is always fucked up.
Nope haha! We're like 12 hours ahead or something here to the USA I think, coz we're on the far far east side of the world. When my friend flew to Europe, it was like a 15 hour flight or something and when he got there the time was only about an hour after he left Australia hahahahahaha! Something like that anyway lol.
Baldy my friend it's never the same without ya. What a great man you are. Here's the news of the day...Justin Timberlake announced that he is JOINING VAN HALEN AS THE NEW SINGER!
Just seeing if you were paying attention. That oughtta wake you up!
troopres right,he's about 16 hours ahead of you boys on est.its fucked up isnt it?
thanks ted,that did give me a wake up,and thought.....justin with vh?how many of my new friends in the states would just top themselves if that happened?shiver.
The Trooper said:
Nope haha! We're like 12 hours ahead or something here to the USA I think, coz we're on the far far east side of the world. When my friend flew to Europe, it was like a 15 hour flight or something and when he got there the time was only about an hour after he left Australia hahahahahaha! Something like that anyway lol.

Oh sure, and the next thing you're gonna tell me is that the world is round.

You guys crack me up, you come up with some of the craziest stuff!
baldyboy said:
i'm going to bed now,and the rest of you are just starting to post.this happens every day.i'll have to get up tommorrow,when your all still in bed,and see your replies.see-if we'd won the war of independance,i'd get the government to force you all to work to greenwich mean time-damn you george 111!night night boys,have fun again without me! :D

LMAO you Big Cry Baby hahahahaha sorry anyways . If you won the won the war of independance would I still be living in New England? hmmm lol sorry have the same prob as Greeno right at the moment I'v been awake for 27 or 28 hours lol fuck I forgot where I was going with that
JonnyD said:
GREENO I know Exzactly what you mean me too!

Nice to see another Vampire around here. :) I like working nights it's just that some times I lose track of time on my days off and the next thing i know I've not slept for a couple days.
baldyboy said:
you two working nights explains why you post at 4 am your time-i hope work doesnt mind you using the pc's in pay time!!!!

lol I dont ever get online at work,even if I could I would never have time between customers and other things while running the store I do alot of my posting at around 8am eastern time :p