For Wicked Child, THINKABOWDIT #6!


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Well shit the bed!!!!!!!!!!! I got a pm from my buddy WICKED CHILD this evening. What a surprise, and a good one at that. Not as good as the time I got a Rolling Stone in the mail with Jenny McCarthy squirting mustard on a hot dog on the that was a suprise! (and one that provided me many a bathroom memory! ...did I just say that???) but a good surprise nonetheless.

Anyways, WC pm's me to tell me it's time for another round of Uncle Ted's favorite drink, THINKABOWDIT on the rocks! Lemme get a couple "metal news" snippets off my chest and we'll begin.

FIRST OFF - What the FUCK is with Blackie Lawless and that stupid ass mic stand??? It's all over Metal Sludge that he's acting quite the diva about that damn thing...I gotta tell you it is just plain ridiculous. And not in a good way. That mic stand looks like a possessed elderly woman's walker for Pete's sake! Ditch it, BL, before your fans ditch you.

SECONDLY, who's been watching (laughing their ass off at) Jani Lane on VH1's Fitness Camp?!?!? Man, he looks about as bad as Ace Frehley but fat. I'm secure in my masculinity..but I gotta say...if I was a chick I'd rather do my own dental work that have to spend some time in the sack with him. He looks a dead Johnny Winter with bad hair and again, fatter.....

ANYWAYS....back to THINKABOWDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want this to be too morbid....but goes...without dragging it out:

If you could make a mix tape that sums up everything you were about in your life....what FIVE HARD ROCK/HEAVY METAL SONGS WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE PLAYED AT YOUR FUNERAL?!?!?!?!?

Crazy? Nah...we're all gonna face the big "Game Over" one day!

Here are mine!

Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls - just for fun! there are stories...
Motley Crue - On With The Show
KISS - RNR All Night - I know, cheese...but probably my favorite song of all time
OZZY - So Tired
Social Distortion - Angels Wings

These are songs that have it all for me. Laughter, joy, pain, sex, love, and rock n roll!

SO let's hear yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

great question ted! was wondering when you'd let loose the next THINKABOWDIT :tickled:

I've actually thought about this before, so this'll be kinda easy, they would have to be:

Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde (obvious reasons, and sentimental ones)
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf
Diamond Head - We Wont Be Back
Judas Priest - Diamonds And Rust
Venom - Live Like An Angel (Die Like A Devil)

but if I could play anything I would substitute Sweet Leaf for
Marilyn Manson - Coma Black
Ted I love your threads! they crack me up everytime!!! Thank you Sir! anyways...

1.Motley Crue - On With the Show (ya read my mind there old boy!)
2.Metallica - Orion
3.ManOwar - Master of the Wind
4.Metal Church - Badlands
5.Savatage - Somewhere in Time/Alone you Breath(I have Buried a few friends and family to this one Someone Better fucking play it for me)
6.Overkill - Solitude/R.I.P. (Undone)

I know I cheated abit but hey its my Fuckin funeral right!
Raining Blood - Slayer (played at the mortician's while i'm being embalmed) :yuk:
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (played at the wake) :erk:
Highway to Hell - AC/DC (played in the hearse on the way to the cemetery) :hypno:
None Buried Deeper - Witchery (played as they lower me into the ground) :blush:
Seven Tongues of God - Nevermore (played as everyone leaves --- LOUD!) :rock:

Every man will ask the questions,
and every man will suffer blame and loss
Every day you die a little, understand the change
and choose your path without disdain
The seven tongues of god are in my mind,
they speak to me in ancient DNA design
I have never seen god, you have never seen god
And when they speak to me and the seven tongues align
programmed to desecrate the pretensions in your mind
To further complicate I will now state that your convictions lack definition and form
Every day there is a bleeding,
every time I watch the world slip by
Focus, the blind pretension underscoring pain,
the path to solace felt in vain
The seven tongues of god are in my mind,
they speak to me in ancient DNA design
I have never seen god, you have never seen god
And when they speak to me and the seven tongues align
programmed to desecrate the pretensions in your mind
to further complicate I will now state that your convictions lack definition
And when they speak to me and the seven tongues align
programmed to desecrate the pretensions in your mind
To further complicate I will now state that your convictions lack definition and form
To see the light is the purest form of reward
tedvanfrehley said:
If you could make a mix tape that sums up everything you were about in your life....what FIVE HARD ROCK/HEAVY METAL SONGS WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE PLAYED AT YOUR FUNERAL?!?!?!?!?


Didn't we had this thread before?

Anyway, funeral music:

Megadeth - 'A Tout Le Monde'
Sentenced - 'The Luxury Of A Grave'
Baron Rojo - 'Caso Perdido'
Black Sabbath - 'Die Young'
Yngwie Malmsteen - 'See You in Hell'

Bonus: Elton John - 'Funeral For A Friend'
I'll have to keep it on the mellow side for this.

Silk and Steel - Savatage
A Change of Seasons - DreamTheater
Ride On - AC/DC
A Tout Le Monde - Megadeth
Believe - Savatage

These are the first songs I could think of. If I thought about it more I may change a couple. I want 'Silk and Steel' being played at my wake most definitley.
Blue Oyster Cult - "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Fates Warning - "The Road Goes on Forever"

That's about it. Mostly I don't care because I figure funerals are for the living. I'll tell you one thing though, if anyone plays "Wind Beneath My Wings" I'll fucking haunt them to their grave and then kick their spiritual ass. :p
First, thank you much sir. I love these threads. :)

Secondly, the following songs would be cranked up loud and proud at my funeral:

Judas Priest-"Beyond the Realms of Death"
Black Sabbath-"When Death Calls"
Dark Angel-"Death Is Certain (Life Is Not)"
Def Leppard-"High n' Dry (Saturday Night)"
Misfits-"Night of the Living Dead"

By the way, there will be a full bar and buffet spread(with cocktail shrimp!) at my funeral. Have a GOOD TIME, damn it!
first bands that come to mind. and also somewhat of a good pit for those in attendance... :rock:

We'll Burn the Sky- The Scorpions (lyrics written for Jimi Hendrix by his Girlfriend)

What is and what should never be - Led Zeppelin

In My darkest hour - Megadeth

Living after Midnite- Judas Priest

Caught in a Mosh- Anthrax

so many other songs to choose from.... as Judas Priests - Hell bent for leather is me...lyrically not so much, but you know what I mean! :grin:
It has to be in this order (If you follow the story)...

Perfect Day - Lou Reed
Hollowed be Thy Name - Iron Maiden
Hell Awaits - Slayer
Coming Back to Life - Pink Floyd
Get the Fuck Out - Skid Row
Wyvern - I dunno...was this thread done before??? sorry if so...

Wicked Child - Don't mention it. you have the testicular fortitude of a rhinocerous! It's the least I can do!

ZOMBIMAN! - HIGHWAY TO HELL! That was great. Why didn't I think of that one??? Perfect.

All replies are great!