Off Topic: Wicked Child & his h8 for Kerry...


Wicked Child has it out for Democratic nominee Kerry, that's cool.
I have no problem with that, I figured that he'd be a democrat, rather than a republican! Or is that th case? I forget what age range you are Wicked, but I think it's somewhere between 18-23 right?
I hope you plan on voting in the presidential election, it's great to see a youngan getting out to vote, while his slack ass peers are bitchin' & moanin', but not willing to get their asses off the couch to change things.
I am 18 (19 in May!) and i voted these past two elections. Well..two for me, since i live In Cali. The recall election and all. And this past primary. I'm into politics, i find it amusing. And i consider myself a middle of the road type guy, not really in any particular party, though i DO tend to lean a bit more towards conservative. It's not that i like Bush, i mean, he's done some DUMB things and overall, isn't that great, but the way i see it is this: We're too far into this war to put another guy into office who'll just screw things up. He'll put his ideas in, and it'll fuck us over, particularly in the economic arena, where we're already suffering. Bush might as well stay in another 4 years and finish what he's started. And only he can do that.

Plus, i DO hate Kerry. I find him boring, faceless, and he loves to flip flop on issues and that is A VERY BAD SIGN. I just can't stand him. I like Bush more than him. Hell, i like RALPH NADER more than him!
And some of my friends just don't get why i actually take politics seriously. Well, ultimately, it affects us all. And while you can actually do something about it, you rather just bitch and do nothing? why? I just don't get that.
sixxswine said:
Wicked Child has it out for Democratic nominee Kerry, that's cool.
I have no problem with that, I figured that he'd be a democrat, rather than a republican! Or is that th case? I forget what age range you are Wicked, but I think it's somewhere between 18-23 right?
I hope you plan on voting in the presidential election, it's great to see a youngan getting out to vote, while his slack ass peers are bitchin' & moanin', but not willing to get their asses off the couch to change things.
I think the two party system is crippling the great country called "America." Why should anyone have to vote for simply a "less of two evils ?" This country was built on freedom and our choices of the leader of this country have been diminished to two candidates. Both of these parties agree on nothing except a monoploly of one or the other getting elected at any given election. That my friends, is not democracy.
The media runs the US, not elected officials. In a sense THAT IS AMERICA but I don't know if that is good or bad as of yet... only time will tell. Be done with the bullshit. vote Libertarian.

Bryant you do know that by voting Libertarian, you're basically voting for the "winner" fo the election right? Just a fact, based on the current system. Nader is hurting Kerry's chances of pulling it off & helping Bush. The media influence in elections, I don't know if they "run" the country, but there's "influence" there. MSNBC, CNN appear to be pro Kerry & Fox News being pro Bush, I noticed this. I hope everyone sees this too.
Wicked Child said:
I am 18 (19 in May!) and i voted these past two elections. Well..two for me, since i live In Cali. The recall election and all. And this past primary. I'm into politics, i find it amusing. And i consider myself a middle of the road type guy, not really in any particular party, though i DO tend to lean a bit more towards conservative. It's not that i like Bush, i mean, he's done some DUMB things and overall, isn't that great, but the way i see it is this: We're too far into this war to put another guy into office who'll just screw things up. He'll put his ideas in, and it'll fuck us over, particularly in the economic arena, where we're already suffering. Bush might as well stay in another 4 years and finish what he's started. And only he can do that.

Plus, i DO hate Kerry. I find him boring, faceless, and he loves to flip flop on issues and that is A VERY BAD SIGN. I just can't stand him. I like Bush more than him. Hell, i like RALPH NADER more than him!
And some of my friends just don't get why i actually take politics seriously. Well, ultimately, it affects us all. And while you can actually do something about it, you rather just bitch and do nothing? why? I just don't get that.

Bottom line, no one is squeeky clean, you recall they dug deep to find out about "Ahnold's" sexual harrassment some 20 plus years ago. I was just reading where they were questioning one of Kerry's "Purple Hearts." I know they dug up shit on Bush's National Guard status too... The mud slinging has begun!
hahahaha Oh Boy Politics ..... I dont even know if I should say anything ..... I mean Wicked your a good friend ... but man a Vote for Nader is a Vote for Bush... granted I dont like Kerry that much either but bush has to be taken out of office ..... this war hes gotten us into over weapons that dont exsist grrrr. do I think the world is a safer place because he went and bullied a sovern nation Hell No! its more dangerous all he did was further piss off the radicals .... if we dont get rid of bush the shit is gonna hit the fan ..... sorry.... :grin: thats just My opinion
I think people are always quick to blame the current economic mess that the U.S. is in on Bush. The Sept. 11th cheap shot affected the economy, it devistated the stock market & the airline industry. People seem to think that this economic mess happened over night? That's insane, it began during Clinton's years in the White House, I think people were so "in love" with that degenerate that they didn't seem to care what he was doing, as long as they had some dough thrown their way. It wasn't until they started losing their jobs that they cried "foul."
The war has gotten intense, and no WMD's have been found, though I think that the desert rats have hidden them well. I mean if the have the ability to make underground "cities," they can hide weapons. I like the consiparcy theories out there that Osam will be picked up prior to the election just to boost Bush's #'s, the same was said for the timing that Saddam was "captured." People with way too much time on their hands & probably smokin' too much "chronic." Say what you will, I think that Iraq is a third world country, at least the people with no money have the mentality of ones that are uncivilalized. They still have this "rage" in them & they can't think rationally. The U.S. troops are not there to cause them any harm & they can't understand that. I think it's similar to what happened when the "whiteman" came & the indians couldn't make them out.
JonnyD said:
hahahaha Oh Boy Politics ..... I dont even know if I should say anything ..... I mean Wicked your a good friend ... but man a Vote for Nader is a Vote for Bush... granted I dont like Kerry that much either but bush has to be taken out of office ..... this war hes gotten us into over weapons that dont exsist grrrr. do I think the world is a safer place because he went and bullied a sovern nation Hell No! its more dangerous all he did was further piss off the radicals .... if we dont get rid of bush the shit is gonna hit the fan ..... sorry.... :grin: thats just My opinion

Actually, i feel if Kerry hits office, it'll fuck us up. So, either way...i guess we're fucked!
I'm not American so I'm going to be cautious in what I'm going to say.

Generally is most democratic countries (and I cam from one) there are many parties but two dominants. That usually leds to (what Bryant mentioned) vote for the lesser of two evils, because POLITICIANS (and that word sums all our fears around the planet) never, never ever are going to do anything right for the people.

Now, whatever you like or not a candidate (or all of them), one thing that PISSES ME OFF LIKE HELL is the apathy of most people to vote. If you were living under a dictatorship (left, right, religious, whatever) there goes your freedom, your liberties, your right to choose, your right to metal too!

So please go and vote, if you don't like any of the candidates vote blank and show the politicians that you are sick of their lies, but please go and vote. Enjoy living in a democracy and be proud of your right to vote.

Don't ask what you country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country: VOTE!

P.S Bush's scary vote for Kerry :Spam:


I’m your top prime cut of meat, I’m your choice, I wanna be elected, I’m your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce, I wanna be elected, Kids want a savior, don’t need a fake, I wanna be elected, We’re all gonna rock to the rules that I make, I wanna be elected, elected, elected. I never lied to you, I’ve always been cool, I wanna be elected, I gotta get the vote, and I told you ‘bout school, I wanna be elected, elected, elected, Hallelujah, I wanna be selected, Everyone in the United States of America. We’re gonna win this one, take the country by storm, We’re gonna be elected, You and me together, young and strong, We’re gonna be elected, elected, elected, Respected, selected, call collected, I wanna be elected, elected. “And if I am elected I promise the formation of a new party A third party, the Wild Party! I know we have problems, We got problems right here in Central City, We have problems on the North, South, East and West, New York City, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Everybody has problems, And personally, I don’t care.”
sixxswine said:
Bryant you do know that by voting Libertarian, you're basically voting for the "winner" fo the election right? Just a fact, based on the current system. Nader is hurting Kerry's chances of pulling it off & helping Bush. The media influence in elections, I don't know if they "run" the country, but there's "influence" there. MSNBC, CNN appear to be pro Kerry & Fox News being pro Bush, I noticed this. I hope everyone sees this too.

The number of Libertarians serving in public office around the USA has passed the 300 mark for the first time in party history, LP Political Director Ron Crickenberger has announced.

As of mid-September, the party had 313 members holding office at the state, county, or local level -- an increase of almost two dozen officeholders over the past few months.

I am not a Libertarian per se, but I like their ideas and what they stand for. I certainly lean more towards the conservative side as opoosed to the liberal, but don't consider myself a "republican" either.
As far as "voting for the winner" by voting Libertarian, I think that is not the case at all. Right now The Libertarian party is not challenging to the Democrats and Republicans at the federal level, but The Libertarian party is on the rise and may one day present a viable candidate for President.

friends talking politics-a dangerous game gentlemen!

doesnt seem to matter who gets voted in over here in the uk,things still seem to get worse-higher taxes,poorer public services.governments,thier all bloody useless!
i still vote for the buggers every time though.
Bryant said:
Right now The Libertarian party is not challenging to the Democrats and Republicans at the federal level, but The Libertarian party is on the rise and may one day present a viable candidate for President.
I don't foresee this happening in my life time, but change will happen sometime, during my kid's later adult life I imagine.
baldyboy said:
friends talking politics-a dangerous game gentlemen!

doesnt seem to matter who gets voted in over here in the uk,things still seem to get worse-higher taxes,poorer public services.governments,thier all bloody useless!
i still vote for the buggers every time though.
There's pros & cons to all systems, how about having someone come to power by killing their way to the top?! I rather have a say, in who I would want in there, rather than have no choice & have a dictator who will be in office until he get "whacked" or dies of old age. You're right talking politics is a dangerous game, though no one has any black eyes, maybe we should move on?!:grin:
i guess thats the good thing about talking politics on the net sixx,no broken beer bottles and bruised faces!
at the end of the day,democracy is still way,WAY,cooler than the other systems of "government"that can be seen in other parts of the world.
while i gripe a little,ultimatly,i'm glad i live in the country that i do,and i hope you boys feel the same too.
baldyboy said:
i guess thats the good thing about talking politics on the net sixx,no broken beer bottles and bruised faces!
at the end of the day,democracy is still way,WAY,cooler than the other systems of "government"that can be seen in other parts of the world.
while i gripe a little,ultimatly,i'm glad i live in the country that i do,and i hope you boys feel the same too.
Baldy, I agree with everything that you just posted on here.
Cheers & I Salute you!