way off topic for USA members Kerry/ Edwards

sixxswine said:
That might be true, but that's no different than a guy that plays well in the minor league in baseball, but can't cut it in the majors...
Would he have been a great president? I don't think so. Then again, I doubt Kerry would either. One guy to watch is Edwards, he's a great public speaker & can get persuade people. His background as an attorney has done him well. If he doesn't become the next second in command, look for this guy to make a run for it next time & he could very well win!!!!!

I dont Mind Edwards he has a certain Charm about him .... But the Wolf also wears Sheeps clothin .... so you never know.... As for Dean ... Nobody outside of Vermont really knows him and Basiclly everybody got to see him make an ass of himself yellin and what not BUT Like I said He was here for 12 or so years after Govoner Snelling Died He was a Progressive Govoner ... Vermont Never Prospered more than when he was In office not to say I dont like who we have now Jim Douglass is doing a fine Job and will gewt my vote this year .... When Dean was yellin months ago its wasnt out of Anger it was passion we are VERY passionate people up here we Just dont always know how to manage it ... And I will be Honest when I say with the choices that are there Now I am thinking of moving to a remote Island so when the rest of the world Does Turn on the USA I will be long gone