God.Fear.None - Envy


OneMetal.com Music Editor
God.Fear.None - Envy
Sonic Age Records - sareCD 006 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Greek quintet God.Fear.None stand out somewhat on the generally trad-and-power-metal-centric Sonic Age Records roster, so there's presumably something about them that's worthy of wider notice. Comparisons to Killswitch Engage and Soilwork abound when description of the band is offered, but on listening to Envy, a few different things spring to mind.

For instance, the harsh vocals in the double-throated line-up (completed by the clean vox of Domenik) sound like Chronis doing his best impression of Jeff Walker, whilst the riffs generally sound like what would happen if you put Carcass's Necroticism and Carnal Forge's Aren't You Dead Yet? in a blender and caused it to short circuit. The admirably technical riffage gets thrown about with near-reckless abandon, and some excellent solos raise their head too, yet the arrangements never get so complex as to be confusing. However, they also never manage to form memorable songs, either. There are bits and pieces on 'Envy' that stand out, but the group don't seem to have mastered the art of marshalling their talent and influences into forming coherent, structured, memorable songs just yet.

That's not to say the record is without merit, though - the production (handled by guitarist Jim 'Grabber' Voutsas) is admirably clear and punchy, with only some artificial-sounding kick drums letting the balanced mix down somewhat. Some of the riffs are really impressive too - there's a couple of moments on 'Eyes of Hatred' where an initially mid-tempo riff gathers speed rather like its rolling down a hill, accelerating as it tumbles, and these moments are pretty damned cool. Sadly, these moments put together don't form a satisfyingly coherent and consistent whole. There's potential here, but it has yet to be realised.


Official God.Fear.None Website
Official Sonic Age Records Website