God Forbid's new album


Nov 6, 2002
For those who don't know they're a melodic death/metalcore band. I've been looking forward to it but I downloaded 2 songs from it and I felt it was horrible. They sound more friendly and watered down now without the aggression they used to have on Reject The Sickness and Determination. Oh well maybe they'll do better next time.
Once bands go down that road, they don't normally return. Oh, well, one less random metalcore band won't hurt anything.
Hmmm that's kind of lame... they were the first band I ever saw in a small venue environment, when they were supporting Nile and Cradle of filth.... all of their preceeding music was awesome... I'll have to give it a listen jsut to see
Ive heard about this band, but i never have heard anything from them. Incidently with the whole metal racism thing, arent they a half black band?
I wont turn my back on a band for 1 album. If I feel the band just keeps on making albums I hate, I'll turn my back on them.

I downloaded the songs from their new album "Better Days" from www.uraniummusic.com if you want to check it out. God Forbid aren't brutal death metal, they're not Dying Fetus or Exhumed.
I thought Determination was pretty good musically (I don't like their lyrics all that much). I didn't even know that the new God Forbid record was leaked. Don't they also have a new vocalist now or something?
They are basically Heavy Metal mixed with more screamed vocals meets Hardcore breakdowns. Their style of Metalcore is becoming very mainstream. They are a very well know band. They capitalize whenever they can. They tour with EVERYBODY. Straight up Hardcore bands, Screamo bands, straight up Metalcore bands, Nu-Metal bands, Death Metal bands, ect. The list goes on and on. They play with anyone that is extreme anywhere. I am going to see them later this month with Full Blown Chaos, Blood Has Been Shed, and Walls Of Jericho. I am really pummped.
I heard a new song on the Metal For The Masses compilation, the title track I believe it was.

Looks like they're jumping on the "clean-chorus-vocals" bandwagon. (In Flames, Soilwork, etc.)

Which is a shame because I really like the sound they had on 'Determination'.
Edgecrusher said:
I heard a new song on the Metal For The Masses compilation, the title track I believe it was.

Looks like they're jumping on the "clean-chorus-vocals" bandwagon. (In Flames, Soilwork, etc.)

Which is a shame because I really like the sound they had on 'Determination'.
Exactly. You took the words straightout of my head. They had some originality but not anymore they're just like any other shitty try hard metalcore band like Ateryu or Avenged Sevenfold. I'm not saying all metalcore band are like that but some of them like those 2 bands are terrible. I'm not sure but I think this new album is going to be on a major label.