God Kills...

No organized religion has it "right"...

Humans are so vein to think they can interpret the desires and philosophies of a omnipotent being if there were to be such a being.... Much like an ant staring up at you and being able to comprehend a work of literary through your interpretation... It simply would not be able to comprehend a single letter or word, let alone a complex ideal. In the face of any such being, we would really be no different than that ant staring at us.
I agree with xenophobe, religeon will never get right. No matter how much one of the organised religeons agrees with our own personal religeous views, that religeon will still enforce it's own values and ideals upon you, changing your religeous views so that what you believe in is changed. Organised religeon is oppresive, whilst personal religeon is not, as you are able to believe in exactly what you want.
Dogma said it better :p

Now Lav, stop being theological and get back to killing kittens! ;)

But yeah.. organisation doesn't jive with my idea of a religion, but then I don't agree with religion either. If you want to follow one I got no probs with it but you'll never catch me in one.
I worship sub-atomic particles with a spin of 2 or 1/2... Much more entertaining...

Yeah, Dogma said it well, but I think JMS has it better...

If there is a "god", the being would be more like the first sentient being "the first one" of the universe... just another product of it, not in control by any means...
Then again, you study the bible for 6 years in grade school, most I've talked to are either brainwashed or have come to the conclusion that I have, that their "Story" is just too full of holes.
Originally posted by xenophobe

187,527 kitties in my honor! :lol:

so get yourself a woman to quit masturbating and let the kittens alone!:heh: