God this really makes me sick...


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
So Northen Ireland. You have different religous views. Y can't u just leave it at that? What gives you the right to throw rocks at school children and set pipe bombs off in the midst of police over a petty, futile and pointless rivalry. I'm probably repeating an earlier board (sorry) but I just saw the news and god they piss me off :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Its probably not that big in America. Basically in Northern Island there is a lot of tension between protestants and catholics. Traditionally the protestant were middle class citizens and were the people allowed to vote as they were wealthier and owned properties. The catholics were generally poorer were also the Irish, whereas most protestants had moved there from Scotland. Neway there's always been a lot of tension and yesterday when some catholic school children were walking to school thru a protestant area the protestants started shouting and throwing rocks at them (this has happened b4 so they have a police escort) and sum1 through a pipe bomb into the plice line and 4 were injured. What annoys me the most is the utter futility - they have literally (sp?) nothing against each other apart from the religion. Hope that helps :)
Originally posted by Satori
Do you mean Ireland? Are you referring to my previous ranting on this from before, or is this something new? cheers,

Oops sorry :) Yeah Ireland. I wasn't thinking, I was getting pissed off! Yeah, more has happened (I said what in the prvious post), but nothing majorly new. Just escalated violence really
im sorry but may i just remind you of FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!
i really dont agree with what has happened it really pissed me off what those people done to the children but people have the right of speech and act/dress as they want (it doesnt help that those people act like bastards)

if we didnt have the right to dress/listen to what we listen to we would be angry and its the same thing just to a larger extent

please please dont mistake me for sticking up for them wankers or being happy at what theyv'e done but you have to see both sides.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
im sorry but may i just remind you of FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!
i really dont agree with what has happened it really pissed me off what those people done to the children but people have the right of speech and act/dress as they want (it doesnt help that those people act like bastards)

if we didnt have the right to dress/listen to what we listen to we would be angry and its the same thing just to a larger extent

please please dont mistake me for sticking up for them wankers or being happy at what theyv'e done but you have to see both sides.

I never once went against freedom of speech. What I was complaining about was the rivalry between them. They both have the right to hold their own views, but they don't have the right to try and force them on others or create violence over them. That is my point, sorry if I didn't make it clear, but I never meant to seem like I was trying to opress them

Also here I don't really think there are two sides to see. I can't imagine in neway how I could condone their behaviour, yes they have the right to believe what they want and publicise it, but not in that way

Also (sorry bout this) I don't see how having the freedom to wear what u like, speak as u like gives you the right to do that to other people. I'm not saying you implied I thought that, but the point of this thread was how futile I thiught the violence and hostility was, not nething else

Ok finished now I think :)
I'm not half has horrified with the people throwing stones as with the mothers forcing their children to suffer it. THAT if anything, will ensure the continuation of the conflict for at least the next generation.

I hope those parents got hit by lots of stone... Anyone who's seen it on the news will know what I mean.

I think all societies deal with their particular sets of ills, evils, and discontents. In Ireland, it's an eccliastic thing, one church vs another. In America, it's about a dumass angry teenager with a gun going on a killing spree, etc, etc., problems that seem to be deeply ingrained in the fiber of the cultural fabric and architecture of that particular society, leading to this simple conclusion: there is no such thing as a perfect world. There are only individuals who are condemned to deal with the variety of problems that confront them, the absurdity of which problems some will refuse to accept and tolerate.

my two kopecks only!
I couldn't agree more. I just wish that we could dispense with all of them, and live with a perfect world!!! But as we can't I'll just rant about it. I only posted this because I felt especially annoyed and if definitely made me feel better :)