God this year can fucking blow me.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Just found out that I am getting a weak ass bonus instead of a raise this year. :mad:


Fucking economy can suck my ass. Here is to hoping for a new job SOON. :kickass:

My wife's boss just offered her a raise and a new position, but it's only an increase of $3k a year. She is still in the transition so I told her to negotiate for more because he made the statement that the new job would offer "considerable increase in salary". :lol:

He offered $25k. :Smug:
working is overrated as fuck
i want to end up like kenny's dad off south park
only less redneck n shit
"Kenny, wasn't that your fat racist friend Eric Cartman?" :lol:

Sorry Loren, that sounds like a really shitty letdown (it's the worst when you were promised something and got your hopes up, only to have them dashed ) - that said, I gotta second Sash on this one! :erk:
if it makes you feel any better, most companies, including mine, used the economy as an excuse to not give any salary increases this year. some are truly hurting... others are just being bastards. so dont feel like its just your luck or your asshole boss or whatever. its everywhere.

i was getting sick of shit at my place, so i looked on one site for a little over an hour. didnt find a single thing i'd apply to. so i sucked it up and pasted on my smile and tried to tell myself "at least i have a good job" over and over till i believed it :Smug:
This year can blow me too... filed chapter 7 last week. Yay! That's in addition to no pay increase or bonus this year!

Guys - WATCH YOUR CREDIT LIKE A FUCKING HAWK! These credit card and mortgage companies are sneaky fucking bastards. Would hate to see anyone else going through what my wife and I are going through. Luckily, I am suing all of them, but still, our credit is pwned for now.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear that Chris. Fucking sucks! Best advice my mother ever gave me (aside from don't touch your sister) was to not get loans or credit cards. Shit, I don't even have an overdraft!
Thanks fellas - Just saying to be careful, especially now. The companies I was dealing with all pulled some really shady bullshit. The market took a shit, and one after the other, all of the companies I was doing business with started to try making up for the loss. Jacked our rates through the ROOF for no reason - we ALWAYS paid on time, but they decided to pull this shit and therefore I couldn't afford to feed my kids and pay them at the same time. And, it's not like we were living outside our means at all.

Meh, fuck it. There is more to life than money, that's for shit sure. And, if there's one thing I've learned in my years, no shitty situation lasts forever.

I think it may be time for a virtual joint pass! ;)
man, i'm so sorry to hear that. thats what pisses me off about this whole economy. the companies and the people who fucked up (buying houses they never shoulda even been able to look at) are now making EVERYONE pay for it.

i'm really sorry to hear that man, i wish you and your family the best. glad you still have a good outlook on it, i think i'd be much more bitter and angry
Wow, youre actually complaining over getting more cash then you should? .. damn, youre lucky. ;/
(it's the worst when you were promised something and got your hopes up, only to have them dashed ) -

Actually that is what happened. I specifically remember at the begining of the year when shit was going down and all non essential employees (old computer tools and some administrative positions, absolute worthless humans) were worried. They made the statement "we are not cutting anyone and in fact we are planning on doing a raise this year if we can."

Well... we rely to much on NYS taxes and NY is broke as fuck.

I guess they can't because it's so uncertain what the budget for NY is going to be next year and I work in a medicaid (or medicare I can never remember) reimbursed field.

Either way Patterson can choke on cock. :Puke:
Wow, youre actually complaining over getting more cash then you should? .. damn, youre lucky. ;/

Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. Things like a car breaking down or any sort of medical emergency is a nightmare, so even if it was only a 2% increase I would MUCH rather have a raise. Especially since a lot of things have just plain gotten more expensive over the past year.

Credit companies are jacking interest rate because they can and for no other reason. While this doesn't affect me personally they are doing the same stupid fuck mistakes the housing economy did (making it impossible for people to make payment on thier debt) just because they can and the law allows it. It's totally bullshit.

Credit card companies, don't care what company. Are all run by a bunch of douche bags idiots.
Living paycheck to paycheck sucks. Things like a car breaking down or any sort of medical emergency is a nightmare, so even if it was only a 2% increase I would MUCH rather have a raise. Especially since a lot of things have just plain gotten more expensive over the past year.

Yeah, well.. comparing to Swedens economy right now, you are lucky as a motherfucker for even getting a bonus!
But hey, we don't need to pay for health care(Except for the fact that we have the highest taxes in the world, that we don't get shit out of! :lol: ).