Goddamnit! Unprofessional assholes...

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
So, I finally got a copy of that country album I did last winter....

...And the guy who did the duplication/artwork took credit for "mastering."

That really pisses me off, as I was the one who mastered it... agonized over it, and busted my ass on it.

I really want to strangle this person.
The worst in that situation is....to know they probably really believe mastered the stuff.

Everybody wants to strangle a person like this.
Yeah, maybe the idiot doesn't know the correct definition of Mastering?
...fuckin' suck ass Oz. You should do a "credits agreement" at the end of your sessions, requiring the band, or management to sign a document that basically just outlines your credits for the sleeve. Of course, you'll want to do it prior to handing over the Masters.... just a thought bro. Sorry for the shitty luck.
Good point on the credits agreement. Sucks to hear this man. I know what a pain in the ass mastering can be.. Personally I hate it the most of all aspects of recording!
You should do a "credits agreement" at the end of your sessions, requiring the band, or management to sign a document that basically just outlines your credits for the sleeve.

That's actually a really good idea. And of course, by the end of the project, you'll know whether or not you want your name associated with it. :)
Yeah, maybe the idiot doesn't know the correct definition of Mastering?
...fuckin' suck ass Oz. You should do a "credits agreement" at the end of your sessions, requiring the band, or management to sign a document that basically just outlines your credits for the sleeve. Of course, you'll want to do it prior to handing over the Masters.... just a thought bro. Sorry for the shitty luck.

Great idea! I will implement this at once.

Well, I write ALL the contracts for my band (performance agreements, etc.). Let me work on this idea a little bit, and I may be able to get a "template" for this kind of agreement drawn up and posted here, for anyone who wants to use it.
Must have been some noob that was under the impression that placing a CD into a copier and hitting "burn" is mastering.

Beat his ass verbally.

Heh, reminds me of a starting metal band, whose singer recorded and mixed a demo song for them. When asked how the song was coming up, he said "The drums are recorded and mastered, now we just need to get ecerything else on tape."
Well, I write ALL the contracts for my band (performance agreements, etc.). Let me work on this idea a little bit, and I may be able to get a "template" for this kind of agreement drawn up and posted here, for anyone who wants to use it.

That really would be killer and very much appreciated dude ... Thanks in advance
I think they wrote Master as a "masterization" of the cd...the burning....here in Italy the burning process is called Masterizzazione and the device is the Masterizzatore :)
Anyway....they are idiots! :D
It wont matter in the long run. Still sucks but if some other cowboys hear their stuff and say, "dang that's some good masterin" which i highly doubt, they will go to the guy who is taking credit. He will ether direct them to you or totally fuck their project up. Ether way your still good.