No mastering for Maiden


The God That Failed
Sep 30, 2003
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Which is cool!

Producer Kevin Shirley (IRON MAIDEN, DREAM THEATER) has posted the following message on his official web site:

"Got my copy of the new IRON MAIDEN album ['A Matter of Life and Death'] — well, a reference disc — and took off early this morning in my car to check it out, top down on an uncrowded ocean highway, and I must say, I'm pretty happy we (well, Steve [Harris], really) decided against using the mastering! I dig it! For all the little extra hi-fi nuances they add in mastering, the raw attack and bite of the original mixes is quite refreshing to hear! It is EXACTLY as I mixed them in the studio, EXACTLY what the guys in the band heard! In the mastering process, the mastering engineer sometimes takes it upon himself to be creative, say to add certain frequencies which boost vocals or the bass, which makes the balance between the kick and bass guitar change, and on many occasions I've got a mastered CD back, and then have been unhappy — but usually blame myself! Even when we mastered this album (which we didn't use), it had a little analog compression added, which brings the guitars up a tiny bit, and knocks the transients off the snare drum, thus diluting the attack and impact of the snare. Now what you'll hear on the MAIDEN album is the way it sounded in the studio, and while it may not be as loud as some other CDs, who gives a fuck! Turn the volume up then... My three fave tracks are 'Longest Day', 'For the Greater Good Of God' and 'Lord Of Light' — although that may well change tomorrow!"
~BURNY~ said:
The sound isn't the real problem. The songs are boring as hell.:erk:

Maybe they decided not to waste money on mastering it because of that.

"Oh the songs are boring as hell but regardless of how it sounds the hardcore Maiden fans will buy it anyways. Let's spend the extra money on pizza and beer!" :D
I really am amazed at this mix. It's not mastered at all, just like they said. It's trippy looking at the meters on a new CD without the meters getting pegged constantly. I applaud them for sticking to their guns and producing a CD with dynamics. That alone is almost as badass as Bruce flying people out of Lebanon.

It sounds great with an L2 on it though. ;)

I actually dig the songs and the production, I think this is better than their last album by far. I like the build the songs have dynamically, and the long, epic structures (even if a few too many of them resemble "Children of the Damned.") I also appreciate that they've abandoned the ultra-repetetive choruses that plagued the last 2 Maiden efforts. And I don't think Steve Harris' bass has ever sounded this amazing. Even the drums sound great, which has often been an issue on Maiden records (boxy drums.)
Actually, I'm not a Maiden fan, but the production ist pretty cool. Really, I'm sick of all those fully triggered and overproduced productions. It is really cool to get back to some of the basics, as Kazrog said, dynamics.
I didn't get much into the CD yet, but I guess it'll take some time.
For being not mastered, it sounds great to me! A real raw kind of feel, but not in a shitty way. It sounds like putting a brand new album on in the 80's, if that makes sense. Quite a trip! Although the songs aren't the greatest, it's sure a step up from Dance of Death and with a bit of tweaking it could sound fantastic.
I think the album sounds good. The songs get better each time you listen to them, which Dance of Death was the same way for me. For The Greater Good Of God is a GREAT fucking song.
Its funny because someone played a Thousands suns for me and I thought --how did this sibilance get past their ears? It really jumps out on some parts

Personally it sounds like a gimmick to me to say it wasnt mastered. BTW Im all for turning the clock back to when where we had more depth. But if an engineer doesnt want his mixed changed he should be there--as Shirley said--its his fault. You dont work that hard and have someone change the balance of everything in the mix. Thats why Im saying its more of a gimmick because Shirley is one of my favorite engineers and he simply isnt that dumb:)
anyway..having another set of ears catches things you dont hear after 200 listens while Iron maiden blows weed in your face...haha

I agree with you guys about the bass and drums and also that its about the songs...put a pair of cans on and listen to some old zep or sabbath...its sonic crud on so many parts. Dont shoot me--they had some great sounds as well--especially Live(I saw them both at the Garden back in the day.)

I was also listening to Journey recently(Infinity)..which I always thought was very well mixed, and man their drums sound like a hobo played them off his cardboard roof.:headbang:. yet not a soul cared back them.
I dig the mix on the new CD. I really do like how there is a lot more depth to the songs without being brickwalled. I think there are some issues where compression could be used but not that big of a deal.

I think if anything, the production bothers me. There are some transitions that I'm hearing that I just wonder how they thought it flowed well.

I do enjoy the drums on this CD. It's not in your face, but it does have a refreshing sound to it. Overall, I think because of it not being mastered, it doesn't provide nearly as much ear fatigue as most music nowadays.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
I think if anything, the production bothers me. There are some transitions that I'm hearing that I just wonder how they thought it flowed well.
i hear you.. also, listen to the intro of 1000suns, bruce's voice isn't alligned properly to the backing track, it comes in late. it annoys the hell out of me :erk:
Seeing Maiden later this year. Just hoping they're playing mostly old stuff as I haven't liked anything they've done since '88. Even the return of Aidey Smith didn't improve the writing....

Some of the post-Martin Birch stuff that Steve Harris produced sounded just awful. Will invest some time in the new Maiden this weekend but I haven't got my hopes up.