Iron Maiden NOT mastering their new album?!

I think maiden + andy sneap would be killer, although ive heard numerous times its a closed case right andy?

Asmus_Thomsen said:
Christ...what's happening? Why don't they just use an old cassete-recorder and record everyting live so we all can hear the way it's supposed to sound.

yeh, you've got a bloody point there mate lol.
Man they should have never reunited...
They keep repeating themselves and not even in a good way!
I've never even thought about getting a Maiden album newer than Fear Of The Dark.
Andy Sneap said:
thing is, if they were that unhappy with DOD, why didn't they just remaster???
Not like any pro mastering engineer would be happy if the bands isn't happy, christ I'll go back and remix something if the band is unhappy. Wasn't it mastered at sterling??? They've redone stuff for me in a heartbeat.
heh, they're not unhappy with the master... steve actually wanted it that way (in the DOTR bonus DVD, shirley explains how the mastering engineer complained about the poor mix, but then steve argued that that's how it's supposed to sound).

kazrog has a point tho... the ultimate mastering challenge :zombie:
Andy Sneap said:
I agree Piece of Mind is best Maiden.

+1 :rock: :rock:

"Powerslave" comes in a close second for me. Between the title track, Aces High (Spitfire junkie here), and Rhime of the Ancient Mariner, it's just brilliant.

As for the new album not being mastered: Well, why not? The loudness wars have taken things to one extreme, why not try the other? It could be really cool over some headphones.

For me, "Somewhere in time" is the best Metal Album ever (just for me), it has that "magic" touch, i don´t now why but i thing is the most technical and well writen maiden album, i´was also touched by that "Futuristic" feeling , maybe because i am a sci-fi fan.

i hope the new album to sound good, even without mastering, im not a fan of that "Raw" sounding anyway
OzNimbus said:
"Powerslave" comes in a close second for me. Between the title track, Aces High (Spitfire junkie here), and Rhime of the Ancient Mariner, it's just brilliant.

Well, for me "Powerslave" is the highlight of Maiden's career, both in sound and songwriting - unsurpassable! :notworthy
Some complain "what, should they do a Powerslave pt.2 instead of doing what they do now?!" and I say - DO IT! :lol:
HeadCrusher said:
Man they should have never reunited...
They keep repeating themselves and not even in a good way!
I've never even thought about getting a Maiden album newer than Fear Of The Dark.
Yeah, Fear of The Dark should have been their ticket out. Man, I was 11 years old and "Piece of Mind" never left my cassette deck. I think I borrowed everyone's copy after my first copy was worn out! I got an old box full of 'Piece of Mind' tapes in the garage! '83 baby!:kickass:
you know what i don't get?
people always bash e.g. james labrie (dream theater), stating that he's horribly out of tune like 90% of the times. and while i can't deny that sometimes he really is out of tune, especially live (some of the live @ budokan stuff is horrible in that respect), he does a REALLY good job on the records imho.
now, i was just listening to iron maiden's latest live CD, and boy, does he even hit one single note? and what's even worse, his performance on recent stuff e.g. DoD is pretty much as bad - just check out no more lies.
but then again, his old stuff is quite good....sometimes he struggles with the high notes (hallowed be thy name comes to mind), but it's still decent sounding contrary to his latest "efforts"....
seems like once you got a cult following you can do whatever you want ( cough metallica cough) and still sell more records than ever....
bruce has actually got a little better. His pitch on the seventh son live vid at birmingham was pretty bad, but, and its a big but, try running round for 2 hrs like he does and hit every note, he's a total showman at the end of the day. I listened to the multitracks of the 1982 Hammersmith show and its surprising how controlled his voice is. They've certainly had their share of characters as frontmen, and after getting to know Blaze I can see why steve picked him, tho it was destined not to work, Bruce certainly wasn't on top form after Adrian went.
Gnash said:
Yeah, Fear of The Dark should have been their ticket out

I think their best "ticket out" would have been Seventh son of a seventh son:
the epic/mystic album of maiden.
A great record, after that one, they did just mediocre albums compared to the old classics.
andy is right about bruce, it's impossible to hit every note if you run like bruce, he's a stageman indeed. The best frontman out there