Godsend - Gunder Audun Dragsten and Dan


Final Flash!
Nov 4, 2001
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I have had this Godsend "As the shadows fall" cd for a long time, I got it on Ebay. I have re-discovered this cd lately, it really is spectacular! The Amazing thing is that according to Dan, this is really all about Gunder Audun Dragsten, tho I haven't heard his name anywhere else. Dan does the vocals on this cd and I believe Gunder does about everything else. The cd has a fantastic "melancholy with hope" feel to it. Dan said he did this cd only to "help Gunder fulfill his dreams" and boy did he! My question is, does anyone know of any other work by Gunder? If so, how are the vocals without Dan and who does them? This Gunder Audun Dragsten surely has other great works, someone with this kind of talent must.
You bastard... heh...

Godsend did two other albums...

In the Electric Mist (without Dan, people say it isn't as good)...

A Wayfarer's Tears (with Dan, pretty good)...

I NEED that first album though...
Meh, Godsend is one of the only Swano projects I could not get into--it bored me to death! A lot of people seem to like it, but I find the music very unspectacular and Dan's abilites just don't get a chance to shine through. But that's to be expected, considering that he wasn't responsible for writing any of the music...