Going for a huge melodeath mix

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
but the guitars are killing me. They are making everything muddy as shit and giving the whole mix a weird vibe. When I mute/unmute throughout all the tracks everything seems to be pretty in check except for the guitars. I'm running through amp sims on this one but I don't want to blame sims for my lack of skill. Any help? Would it really help alot to have someone reamp this?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2113488/Avalerion Songs/Rough Draft.wav

Any other comments are welcome. The orchestra is just REASON right now until my buddy who is helping with the score of it runs it through his east west symph.

Edit: There are also leads that I left out because they won't stand out at all with everything thats going on already, I need to address these problems before I add them
Hey, I like where you are going with this. Honestly I think that the guitars are a little too loud in the mix. I'm a guitarist too and I used to always try and make them the most upfront instrument level wise but I've learned to try and mix from a listener's perspective instead of a guitarist perspective. Try turning them down a few db as I feel they are hiding the drums. As far as tone goes, I like the guitar tone definitely!

Doing a little dip in the low mids might help too, any metal with like synth or orchestra gets tricky when it comes to getting everything to fit
Yeah I agree that the guitars are way too loud at the moment.
The orchestra intro is far too loud as well. Automate them down until the drum fill sound considerable more epic. Another thing I hope you will consider is not just simply running the midi through a "all in one orchestra"-preset. Separate the midi into rhythm, melody and harmony or something like that. Than run them through your vsti. For example violins would've taken melody, cello taken the rhythm and so on. It'll sound a lot better AND closer to how a real orchestra would've played it, easier to work with the panning as well.