Going to Biomechanical and Exodus tonight!


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
And I am STOKED!! carnut will be here within 45 minutes if he don't get stuck in a traffic jam that is! :zombie:. We will eat and go to the centre of Eindhoven and get out asses kicked!

Exodus is going to KILL! :headbang: Rob Dukes is the man!

Cheers from the Dynamic Duo living the metal life!
Exodus didnt play much old stuff just the last two albums really, but they still were fucking ace. Rob Dukes looks like a giant hobo, all dirty and shit. They rocked. Saw them last September.
Enjoy a lot! Full review on my desk tomorrow ;)

Hope you enjoyed it. I know they slayed here when I saw them back in April.

Probably should have put this up last year, but this is me, Dukes, and my buddy Jim (L to R) back on 8/26/05 when he was in NY for the weekend to get some ink. Happened to be the day after my son was born, notice the hospital bracelet on my right wrist. :cool: Dukes previewed SHKM for us that night.

Like 7 tracks into SHKM my friend Ron, who took this pic, said to Dukes, "you guys need to get a little heavier". :lol:

Yesterday night I saw Biomechanical live again after seeing them two years ago at the Headway festival. The sounds was very bad, I could hear John barely. Also the crowd was not exactly participating imho. The band gave it their all. And seemed to enjoy themselves but even I, with the sound being as it was, could not really get into the show as much as I wanted. Kinda frustrated me though. This band deserves so much better! :-(

Then again Eindhoven, because of the Dynamo history, is Old School territory.

Later I met and talked to John K who was very friendly. I enjoyed meeting you man! Next time I hope you guys get the sound and crowd reaction you deserve.

Exodus played up a storm. They have a long history with Eindhoven and the Dynamo pub and festival. The first time they played in Eindhoven was in 1985 when they destroyed the place with Paul at the vocals.

They came back in 1988 for the infamous Dynamo festival and played the night before the festival in the pub again. Magic!

Now they were back! Needless to say the crowd was insane and Exodus RAGED! They focussed on the last two albums and Bonded in Blood. Smart choice imho!

Within two songs there was a raging pit and even some stage divers now and then. I felt like I was back in 1987! They really found their man with Rob though. This is the guys that can do justice to the legendary metal history of Exodus! It was pure joy to see and hear the band perform at this level. I got the feeling both the band and the crowd were having the time of their live.

Killer gig!!
Yeah, Dukes ROCKS, he fits the current Exodus outfit perfect !!
Pics will follow in a few days, the power supply thingie of my PC blew and along did half my attached perhipals so I play on my daughters laptop now :bah:
That sucks for Biomech's sound... I still have to see these guys, it's probably my favorite band of the last few years!

As for Exodus they're always a war machine on stage, no dout about it :kickass: