Going to buy a new guitar


Soon to be discontinued
Dec 29, 2005
Yep and i need your wise advice.

Since i live in Argentina things are pretty much fucked up economically speaking so this are the guitars i can afford for the moment.


Squier Esprit with Seymour duncans



Epiphone Les Paul Standard

need your opinions ! both are in my price range.

cheers and thank you
i have an epiphone les paul, i love it, but i quite often think it limits me in terms of technical playing ability compared with something like a nice strat or an ibanez. it looks great and sounds great, but the fret board / neck isn't so fast.
thinking of buying this. please give your thoughts, i need them:

Buy Gretsch G5135 Electromatic Corvette Electric Guitar at guitarcenter.com


i will mostly be using clean tones with my band, so i want a jazzy/bluesy sound. for the heavy parts, the heaviest tone could be compared to (at most) a perfect circle. with the right pedals and the setup, can i achieve what i want with this guitar? is it worth the money? cheers everyone
thinking of buying this. please give your thoughts, i need them:

Buy Gretsch G5135 Electromatic Corvette Electric Guitar at guitarcenter.com


i will mostly be using clean tones with my band, so i want a jazzy/bluesy sound. for the heavy parts, the heaviest tone could be compared to (at most) a perfect circle. with the right pedals and the setup, can i achieve what i want with this guitar? is it worth the money? cheers everyone

OMG, It looks like the cheapo first guitar i bought (nearly 20 years ago). Is this an old design? I always wondered what guitar it was, as there was no trademark on it and possibly the neck had been changed at some point. You may have solved one of the great mysteries of my teenage life!!!!
I'll try and find it and take a photo.
OMG, It looks like the cheapo first guitar i bought (nearly 20 years ago). Is this an old design? I always wondered what guitar it was, as there was no trademark on it and possibly the neck had been changed at some point. You may have solved one of the great mysteries of my teenage life!!!!
I'll try and find it and take a photo.

im not sure it's an old design but gretsch is an old, respected blues guitar brand so it may very well be. haha strange coincidence

well i know it looks good but can anyone else help me on how it sounds?