Going to visit New York in about 6 months


Jun 29, 2005
Esslingen, Germany

I am doing an internship for the next 6 months, working about 40 hours a week, around 2 hours to get to work everyday,
so I came to the conclusion that I am doing something I wanted to do for a long time when I finish the internship.

Checked some sites and I would be able to get the flight and the hotel for 2 weeks for under 1000€, no meals included, but
that doesn't matter. I wanted to visit New York since I saw a picture of the skyline in an architecture book of my father
when I was 4 years old. Never had the chance to go there and it was always way to expensive for me, but now I have
enough money, earn something at my internship and so on.

My girl has to study at that time and she's no New York fan, so I am going alone, if any of the Sneapsters are there at that time,
I am up for a beer anytime :D

And I am thankful for every advice!

Just wanted to post this because it's fucking great :D
You'll love it, it's such an interesting place. I've only been there once but had a great time.

The people are great, some of the nicest assholes you'll meet :)

There is so much to see and do there I wouldn't know where to begin. Just plan for a lot of walking around, and make sure you see the times square area at night.
i go there almost every weekend to skate (i live about and hour from Philly and an hour from NYC). It is always a really fun time. There is so much to do there and there is always so much going on. Definetly check out times square because thats a huge tourist attraction. And the statue of liberty. But you will have plenty of time to do all that. Congrats on your internship!
About the German accent, I just fake another accent :D
Or I will wear bavarian leather trousers, eat sausages and be proud of it :D

I think I have to do all the standard tourist things, that's why I want to go there for 2 weeks and not
just one week, that wouldn't be enough and I think I have to party a bit there, what's the normal price
for cigarettes and beer in nyc? :D
About the German accent, I just fake another accent :D
Or I will wear bavarian leather trousers, eat sausages and be proud of it :D

I think I have to do all the standard tourist things, that's why I want to go there for 2 weeks and not
just one week, that wouldn't be enough and I think I have to party a bit there, what's the normal price
for cigarettes and beer in nyc? :D

just fuckin with ya ;)

don't know about booze but smokes are probably up around $8 or more in NYC I believe
When I was there 2 years ago smokes were $7.00 a pack, so yeah $8.00 sounds right. Beer should be about the same as anywhere else, I don't remember it being any more expensive(except for the bars).
Ok, just wanted to know that, don't want to spend hundreds of dollars just on beer and cigarettes :D
Really excited, it's the first time I am visiting the USA and it's strange to go alone, but I think it's going
to be awesome!
My flight goes from Stuttgart to London-than NYC ;)
Not sure about the exact dates, but it's the cheapest way, would be cool to meet some
Sneapsters, even if they're not from NYC ;)
depending where i am hit me up via pm at the time. i was gonna goto cali for a while in the fall time so we'll see.

spend as least time in times square as possible. just go to see it at night so you can go "wow" and then go on. there are so many other places to go that are more worthwhile.

as far as the accent don't even worry, there's no such place even in the outskirts in nyc that your accent or foreign-ness wouldn't be accepted. there's no "true" local places where i've been to that i don't see non new yorkers, ESPECIALLY in manhattan. if you really wanna get a taste for the term "multi cultural" and "eccentric" goto greenwich village.

1) go get a falafel sandwich as a place called "mamouns" its in the heart of the village by NYU (new york university) on macdougal street.
2) go walk around washington square park and you will see some of the weirdest and eccentric people in the world.
3) go walk around that whole area and have a beer in every bar lol
4) if you're into jazz goto "the blue note" its one of the best jazz clubs in the world and its a block away from "mamouns"
5) just hang out in that neighborhood in general.

other points of interest:

1) if you like arts goto the upper east side to all the museums on 5th ave (metropolitan museum, guggenheim, mus. of nat history [west side])
2) goto the apple store on 5th ave and central park
3) goto central park
4) hang out around lincoln center in the upper west side. really nice cafes and cozy spots and restaurants
5) goto the top of the Rockefeller center
6) goto madison square garden for a concert if you can
7) goto a baseball game
8) hang out in the lower east side goto a place called "russ and daughters" and get a lox pumpernickel bagel with capers and tomatoes (if you like capers)
9) eat a TON of pizza from any pizzeria you see. there is no such thing as bad pizza in new york.
10) walk across the brooklyn bridge and walk around brooklyn heights. goto a pizzeria right under the brooklyn bridge on the brooklyn side called "grimaldis" best pizza.

umm there's so much more. just walk around everywhere and take plenty of pics. in the fall time nyc is really nice. the people are very nice also contrary to stupid stereotypes. don't be afraid to ask for help or suggestions to strangers. trust me on that one.
great info (especially on the food part-god damn I love food :D look at my belly...) thanks so much!
Gonna get me a good cam before I go there and take loads of pictures, I think I have to stay awake
for 2 weeks :D
NY is truly awesome :D Been there twice the last 4 years. If your into musicals go and see one on broadway it is awesome. Other than that if it is your first time do all the tourist things, it is awesome :)
Like most people I've only been there once, went to some of the hot spots in Manhattan...I wanted to go see the Ghostbusters HQ building but we never got around to it.
Went their about a month ago.
Was really really cool.
Didn't stay for long(just a two day stop over)
Went to a sick deli their, it was right near the library.
Some of the best food I've ever eaten, if the not the best.
It was heaven.
New York was awesome!! Been there 2009, met 2 awesome sneapsters Marcus Hedwig and Joe Davis.

Stef, it´s a good thing you´ll go alone without gf ;) Just as it was really funny hangin around with the yanks, my gf started to puke and I had to cancel the promising evening. Aaaaargh!! :lol: But the entire day was fantastic! Went to music shops, spending too much money for drinks (avoid hotel bars haha) tested some guitars, amps :kickass: I will never forget this experience. First time in a plane, first time visiting a new continent, first time NEW YORK!! I love this city.

I know I posted this so many times already, but I can´t resist. We scared some christian activists there on this Photo. Hail Satan!!

Scaring christian activists=FTW!
And the best part is that Joe looks so blury :D
Seems like a good friend of mine is going with me, wanted to visit NYC, too and
he finishs university at that time, so yeah, I think we're going to party a little bit :D